Chasing Seibel (part two)

The group broke into a run, the corridor wound slightly while steadily progressing downward. Nix stopped after ten minutes, the cave appeared to be nothing more than a long underground passage with torches hung on the walls at long intervals to light the way.

/Qi Family: Nix: Where are you Rabi? How far does this go?

/Qi Family: Rabi: Keep following. It finally stopped.

Another five minutes and the group caught up with Rabi. He was crouched next to the wall, patiently waiting for them.

/Qi Family: Rabi: Big room ahead, many people sleeping. Six guards in the middle. Lots of torches and a campfire.

Nix nodded and moved forward through the archway that led to a large hollowed-out space. Cots were placed in orderly rows in the middle of the room.

/Qi Family: Pon: This place was made. See how the walls are melted? Some sort of fire creature did this.

/Qi Family: Nix: Fifty meters across, Shae could do something like this but it would take her a few days.