Dragon Thief

Semmi arranged for all of the team to stay in the Sanctum dorms. After a long shopping trip for supplies and a bit of begging, she managed to convince Hyai to move in as the Chef. Custody of the Solomon Key rotated between Jun Li, Wind, and Semmi. They were responsible for continually monitoring the key and had a small team ready to use the pentacle portals. They had already decided to send a healer next and when possible, Sharl.

Ronnie sat across from the blonde officer while they both researched the Bone Fortress. As of yet, neither had been able to find any clue to the origin of the Undead. "What about the Mocai quests?"

Semmi shrugged slightly. "I was told by Fajii and Shae that it would be handled."

Ronnie glanced at the deployment roster, it was basically a list of the next five people to head into the Bone Fortress. "I should be higher on this damn thing."

[Sanctum Deployment]

Nezbit or Eron


Jun Li


