An Unlikely Trio

Nix smiled in his sleep; the warmth of a familiar body next to him quickly destroyed any motivation he had to get up.

"I'm glad you're back." Hyai's voice was comforting as it drifted into her companion's consciousness.

Nix opened one eye, just long enough to ensure it was the Innkeeper. "It will be two days before I can be resurrected. I expect you to let me sleep as much as possible."

"He's tired, Hyai." Deidra's voice pulled the Inferno Leader out of his slumber. "Although I am curious as to how he died."

Nix cursed into the soft padding of his pillow. "The hell is she doing here?"

Hyai pinched his side in response. "She's been guarding me..." The Innkeeper sighed heavily; although unwelcomed, she found the intent quite heartwarming.