Battle Plans

Nix stepped into the control room, followed closely by the rest of the group. When he approached the control console, it lit up. "Looks like we found our Spectrum."

Deya leaned closer to view the crystalized spectrum. "This one can't be removed without shutting everything down."

Nix touched the console, causing a menu to display.

[Bone Fortress Main Menu]

1) Burrough Management.

2) War Game Management.

3) Environmental Controls.

4) Security.

"Display sub-menus." Nix noticed a warning that flashed on the display before the menus came up. "No changes to settings will be allowed until after the current conflict has been resolved."

1) Burrough Management.

a) Graveyards

b) Terrain

c) Borders

2) War Game Management.

a) Factions

b) Objectives

c) Special Directions

3) Environmental Controls

a) Climate

b) Elements

c) Map

4) Security

a) Restricted Access

b) Binding Points

c) Mobility Functions

/Pathfinder: Pon: This place is one big training facility?