Dark Seed

Bali frowned at the frozen corpses, still exactly where Nix had left them when he originally melted his way into the city jail. She used a booted foot to sift through the pile of ashes near the table until she found a small black bracelet. "How many of these things did that bad lady make?"

Leva shared a glance with Ducky; it was her first time meeting the Ain'Dhassi ranger in person. "Tens of thousands, she's obviously a talented crafter." The dark chancellor bent down and picked up the bracelet; it no longer held any power.

Bali stomped her boot to rid it of the human ashes before gesturing to the back wall that was stacked high with firewood. "A working fireplace and plenty of wood to burn. How did this even happen?"

Ducky received the bracelet from Leva and turned it over in her hand while studying it. "It's a layered charm. The first part convinces the victim that they are warm."