Deep Winter War: The Escalator

The archway disappeared suddenly, causing everyone in the group to jump. They stared at the emptiness in disbelief for several seconds. During that time, the sky grew brighter, and the temperature of the air rose several degrees.

[Quest Updated]

Deep Winter War

Objective: Charge into Khione's stronghold and find the Goddess of Winter.

20 person raid, no NPCs allowed.

"Well... Let's move on then." Nansu spoke softly, but the sound of it carried to all of the officers. The Dire Wolf puppet glanced toward the North, where a column of light had suddenly appeared. "Time for the next step."

"Nansu..." Ronnie stared at the LifeStyle player, her dark eyes openly hostile. Are you..."?

"She's right." A familiar voice interrupted from the direction of the trading post, his boots crunching softly on the ice and snow as he trotted toward them. Nix offered the group a smile before scruffing the dire wolf's ears.