You're The Boss

Inside Zhang Yixing's study, the two of them sat on recliner chairs. In front of them are stack of papers sitting on Zhang Yixing's desk.

"I have been keeping Zhou Real Estates in check for the past few weeks. I see that the way they are running grandfather's company is quite fine, they make a lot of profits.", Zhang Yixing said as he opened a folder he picked up from his work table showing stocks and profit analysis charts of Zhou Real Estates then showed it to Zhou Yuexi. "But they don't seem to be working on any new projects. All their income comes from raising prices from their old deals and cutting their employees' salaries. Even so, they're getting by just fine."

Zhou Yuexi kept quiet while listening to Zhang Yixing's report. She just stared at the graphs in front of her didn't say anything.

Seeing that his wife was so invested in the reports in her hands, Zhang Yixing called her attention. "Aren't you going to do anything about it? I mean, I don't know if you plan on getting revenge on those who stole your grandfather's company. But just in case you don't, I'll exact revenge on them on your behalf."

"Don't do anything.", Zhou Yuexi commanded.

Zhang Yixing frowned at her words. He didn't understand why she was not doing anything to get back at those who stole Zhou Real Estates from her grandfather.

Zhou smiled at him and explained. "Their carefree days are soon to end anyways, so don't tire your self on such trivial people. You're right, they don't have any new projects because I snatched them all. Who would choose to partner with them when I offer business deals with almost blinding benefits? Of course, investors are not dumb enough to reject my proposals and choose theirs instead. And of course their current business partners aren't stupid either. They surely wouldn't pay for such incredulously high prices and would notice that those geezers are just leeching off them."

"And when that happens?", Zhang Yixing asked.

"Tsk! Tsk!", Zhou Yuexi shook her head. "Your secretary is not that meticulous anymore huh? He didn't tell you that..."

As if on cue, Zhang Yixing's cellphone rang, cutting Zhou Yuexi's words.

"Speak.", Zhang Yixing said when he answered the call.

"Sir, it's with regards to the reports you asked about Zhou Real Estates. Some share holders sold their shares to an unknown entity.", Lu Han reported through the phone.

All though the call wasn't on speaker, Zhou Yuexi still heard what Lu Han said as she has keen ears. "Well, I guess he still is but just a little slow on that."

When Zhang Yixing heard Zhou Yuexi's comments, he immediately looked at her and understood that she was who Lu Han referred to as an 'unknown entity'.

"That's enough for now, I'll give further instructions regarding that tomorrow at the office.", Zhang Yixing said then he ended the phone call.

"That's quite outstanding of you darling. How did you do that without them knowing?", Zhang Yixing asked while looking at his wife in admiration.

He was aware that Zhou Yuexi was smart and talented business wise, but he never expected her to be this good. So good that she can single handedly bring down a company which was managed by people twice her age and with more experience than her.

Actually, Zhang Yixing had a similar plan in mind. He would bankrupt Zhou Real Estates, gain ownership, hand it over to Zhou Yuexi then help her bring it back to the top. He just didn't get to put his plan in action as he wanted to know Zhou Yuexi's opinion first only for him to find out that she has the same plan and she's already half way through it. And what amazed him was she did it so discreetly that her enemies don't even know they're already being attacked and they're still laid back thinking that everything is perfectly fine and nothing is wrong. If he was to execute his plan, he ought to do it openly. It's not as if Zhou Real Estates could do anything when the one they are up against is Zhang Corps., the biggest business empire in Imperial and in China as a whole.

He was already amazed by Zhou Yuexi's skills that he got to know of, how much more if he finds out that his wife is also the same person as the CEO of Moonlight Corporation that he so wants to know the identity of? But of course, we will leave that for later.

Zhou Yuexi just smiled at him and said, "That's a secret I don't tell anybody, darling." which earned her a frown from Zhang Yixing.

"Not even me?"

"Yes, not even you, nor grandfather, nor Qingqing. Let's just say that it's up to you to find out but that depends on how good you are at investigating.", Zhou Yuexi explained. "But if sometime in the future I'd have to tell everyone about it, I promise you are the first one to know. Well, that's if you still haven't found out by then which is most likely to happen."

Her words sounded like a challenge to Zhang Yixing's ears and that's what Zhou Yuexi aimed for. However, Zhang Yixing was sharp and saw her ulterior motive. "So this is your way of keeping me out of your plans way, huh? You are diverting my focus out of your grandfather's company. I really have to give it you darling. You do it so subtly that I almost didn't notice it. No wonder those geezers at Zhou Real Estates didn't know of your actions."

Zhou Yuexi was guilty getting caught red handed but she acted indifferent. Her husband, however, was amused of reaction.

"Even if you didn't pose such front, I wouldn't dare disobey my boss's order. You said not to do anything, so I won't. You're the boss here, you call the shots, all I do is follow your instructions. But since you gave me a challenge, I am more than willing to accept it. This lowly slave of yours doesn't dare to oppose his master's will.", Zhang Yixing said as he acted like knight in front of his queen, bowing his head with his right arm across his chest.

Bewilderment flashed across Zhou Yuexi's face when she heard Zhang Yixing's piece. "Since when did he became my 'lowly slave'?! He's the big boss alright!", Zhou Yuexi exasperatedly thought to her self.

She didn't need to speak for Zhang Yixing to know what was going through her mind at that moment. With just one look on her face was enough for him to infer that she disagrees with something he said and he knew exactly what it was. "You're my boss, darling. Other people call me the Big Boss but ever since we got married, you became my big boss. You are the only one to whom I give the rights to order me around. And I told you before, I want to pamper you til you're spoiled rotten to the point of no return, this is my way of doing it.", he explained.

Zhou Yuexi awkwardly looked at Zhang Yixing. "Don't I have too many titles then?", she asked. She was still familiarizing her self with how well Zhang Yixing was pampering her, but the way he's doing it is nowhere near subtle. They just got married but he's already hell bent on coddling Zhou Yuexi, giving her a kind of treatment that she was alien to.

True, Elder Zhou spoiled her ever since she first came to live with him but she always observed her limitations and Elder Zhou never pushed his ways her as he was afraid she would end up just like her mother. So now, whenever Zhang Yixing tell her that he wants to dote on her and when he lives up to his word, she feels overwhelmed. Not because she doesn't want it, but rather, she was unaccustomed to such fine treatment. Who doesn't want to be treated like a princess? Nobody! And Zhou Yuexi is not an exemption to that.

"Nah, you could be anything you want to be. Just tell whatever it is, and I'll give it to you.", Zhang Yixing said as if it was as easy as saying A, B, C.

Zhou Yuexi was touched with his words but her admiring moment was destroyed when a ringtone broke through the silence in the room. She looked at the screen and saw that it was Ye Zixuan then picked up the call. "Yes?", she said.

"Good day Boss.", Ye Zixuan started off. "The shares from Zhou Real Estates are successfully transferred to Mo..."

When Zhou Yuexi sensed that Ye Zixuan was reporting about Moonlight Corp., she crammed to think of ways to make her stop but not in an obviously was.

"Is that important? If that can wait till tomorrow, then tell me tomorrow I'm spending time with my husband right now.", she hurriedly sounded her secretary off.

"Oh! Oh! Was I disturbing something important? Is the life of my future Young Master at stake?", Ye Zixuan simultaneously asked.

Zhou Yuexi was about to tell her off for her dirty thoughts when Zhang Yixing snatched her phone away from her and spoke to Ye Zixuan.

"Yes, we were kind of in the middle of some unfinished business. So if you don't mind.", Zhang Yixing vaguely said.

A loud squeal resounded to the four corners of Zhang Yixing's study room. It was so high pitched that it could have broke the light bulbs in the room. After the long loud shriek, Ye Zixuan finally ended the call.

Zhou Yuexi on the other hand was disbelievingly looking at her husband. "How could you tell that to XiaoXuan? Just what would she think of me?", she complained.

"What? I didn't say anything wrong. We really are in the midst of discussing about business and we are yet to finish. It's not like I lied to your secretary.", Zhang Yixing innocently answered.

Zhou just placed her hands on her forehead and massaged her temples. She could already feel a headache waiting for her the next day.


Meanwhile, inside a room in Platinum Residences, a young woman was jumping up and down in front of her work table with her phone in hand, shrieking nonsense words in joy.