CHAPTER 14- A Rivalry Conversation and news.

"Thank you; for helping me earlier." Leemodo softly spoke out. He then quickly folded his arms and looked in the opposite direction. He felt awkward and didn't know how to act around the man that has mutual feelings for the same girl. "Your welcome, looked like you needed help.." kalebize replied to Leemodo sternly. Kalebize was to focused on how sakashi is doing. His right leg bounced up and down while he twiddled his thumbs. He glanced at the time frequently and couldn't seem to calm down. Eventually standing up and began pacing the room. Leemodo watched kalebize for a while before he sighed and softly began to talk. "You know worrying isn't gonna make time go any faster.." kalebize looked at Leemodo and kept pacing. "Just let me be, that girl is my best friend.." he replied a couple of minutes later. Leemodo looked down and sighed again. "I know, say; if everything turns out well. What's gonna happen? I know you love the girl, I know you want to make her your girlfriend. But...." he started to talk before getting interrupted. "I know, don't tell me. You like her to. But do you love her as I do? Leemodo I want to marry her one day, I have known her for years and know almost everything about the girl. And I will one day make that happen, you will not stand in my way." Kalebize told Leemodo firmly. Leemodo glared and stood up, his eyes became jealous and partly competitive. "And what will happen if she chooses me? She doesn't remember you, but hopefully, she will still know who I am, and if she does she's going to come to me, what then? Are you just gonna force her to love you and traumatize her?" Leemodo told him as he sent off a challenging tone. Kalebize stopped pacing and glared directly at him. " I refuse to force her to do anything. She may come to you at first but once she realizes who I am, it's game over for you, but unlike you, I'm focused on her recovery first. Not thinking about romance, so go and sit in the corner, be a good boy and wait." Kalebize replied firmly and turned around and began pacing again. Leemodo glanced at kalebize and narrowed his eyes but shortly smiled and sat down. " I say just let her choose, and who she chooses then that's who shall get her in the end," Leemodo spoke and leaned back and refolded his arms once again. Leemodo beloved she would never regain her memories anyway due to how bad of the brain damage she received, but it's still possible. "look you hardly even know her, so just back off." kalebize replied to leemodo but wouldn't look at him. "your a cool guy and I trust you, I know you can help her through this difficult time because you are her councilor. I'm sure you will learn more and a lot about her. However, you will still never be the one who lived life with her, who experienced the great and the bad with her. Who knows her from the start as I do. I have been in love with her for many years. You are just now learning about her and gaining interest. There's a difference." Kaleb spoke softly. "ok, but why not learn about her now? What's wrong with starting a new relationship with another human? I may not have known her as long as you, but what's wrong with having a new person to learn about.? Doesn't your friendship not mean enough to you because you do know her as much as you do? What if she doesn't want anything more with you because you are so close?." leemodo asked him softly, as a councilor he knows how to reverse words and actually makes people think more into things. Kalebize kept silent at first as tears began to fall. "that's what I'm afraid of, I waited too long to tell her how I feel about her, she's always telling me how I'm like a brother to her, but yet we are told we act like a couple. I just.." he sighs and closes his eyes and wipes his eyes. "its not that I don't want her to gain new relationships but it's more of me being selfish because I want her for myself, I love her." he looks at leemodo and sits down leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees. Leemodo sighs and closes his eyes. "my worry, in all honesty, is if she will ever remember you, it is possible but if she never remembers you. Then what's gonna happen?" he asked kalebize. "well, restart and make new memories with her, then tell her how much I love her when the time is right." he replied and looks down. "but knowing you also like her I know I will have a competition to even gain her interest." he replied with a sadder doubtful tone. Leemodo looked at kalebize and stood up. "look whether she remembers or not. We both can still help her, and we both can gain a relationship, what I'm saying is whoever she chooses with me the one to move forward. Just let her choose because right now she will be hurting and scared. And if we both act like we are fighting over her, it will only scare her. So, for now, let's just allow her to attach herself to one of us. Do I make sense? Let's both just be there. I won't try and make her only want me. But I won't hold back if she shows interest.." he told kalebize and smiles softly. "yeah fine, that makes sense. Neither will I, may the best one win I suppose. I would rather her happy anyway." kalebize replied back with a smile. Leemodo smiled offered his right hand for a shame. Kalebize grabbed his hand and they both shook their hands together in agreement. "now since that's done, are we actual friends now or still just love rivals?" leemodo asked suddenly as he let out a soft chuckle. "we are rivals, yes but we are also friends. But don't think I won't make it difficult for you. I might try and distract her when you're around." kalebize replies and chuckles. Leemodo rolled his eyes and smirks. Well same for you to my friend. Same for you." leemodo replied. They both then sat down next to each other and began talking to each other about themselves.

About an hour later after that, a nurse walked through the door and looked uneasy. " are you two waiting for the results to the three newest patients Chandler, sakashi, and Asha? " she asked. Leemodo stood and fast and walked over. "yes." leemodo responded immediately. kalebize stood up nervously as he doesn't like how uneasy she looks. The nurse nodded. "Come with me," she told them and opened the door allowing them to come through. Kalebize and leemodo followed the nurse into a private room and both took a seat. The nurse closed the door and looked at them. "alright will good news or the bad news first?." she asked them. Kalebize felt immediate pain in his heart and looked down. " just do the bad first and get it over with." kalebize replied. The nurse gulped and took a breath. " sakashi is pregnant, She's about three days pregnant. She has a broken ankle and running short of blood. It also looks like she's been molested more than once. So she will need to heal physically and well; emotionally. And for Asha, she is pregnant as well, but she's about a week and a half pregnant or maybe two weeks even. She's extremely weak. She hasn't eaten in a long time and needs nutrition for her and this baby or they both could die, she's been beaten and used terribly, she's currently unresponsive and in treatment.." she told them. Leemodo kept silent and glanced at kalebize with a worried expression. Kalebize stood there silently looking at the ground. His fists clenched hard together with an expression off pure anger and look like he was ready to kill. Leemodo looked back at the nurse and replied. "and the good?." the nurse felt their tension and tried to remain calm. "the good, the good news is they are all three currently alive, Chandler is awake and recovering just fine. He just had a small concussion. Sakashi is recovering slowly but wonderfully. She's asleep right now and getting blood donated to her soon. After that, once she's awake you can see her if you would like, but she might reject you because of what she faced, so if she does, please leave and let her be alone for a while; But She will be fine. Asha, she's the only one who we are worried the most about. She's in a fatal condition, we tried to contact her husband but her records show nothing of a husband so we are assuming she is either a widow or never had married." the nurse told them. Leemodo looked down and spoke softly. "so Chandler is fine, sakashi is fine but Asha is fatal? How long was Asha captive?" we asked himself. The nurse sighed. "that's a good question. She went through more then sakashi did. It appeared that sakashi was taken care of as if they didn't want to kill her. But Asha seemed to he neglected and beaten.." she responded. " are we allowed to adopt the baby." kalebize suddenly asked. The nurse looked at kalebize and sighed. "you can only if the mother decides to keep it, so if they choose to keep it. Then you can ask them if they wouldn't mind you being the adopted caregiver to provide for her and the baby legally. but if she refuses then I'm sorry you can only just some try to help if she allows." she replied.

Kalebize kept silent and nodded. Leemodo looked at kalebize and back at the nurse. Once sakashi is allowed to discharge can we become her legal guardians to look after her?." leemodo asked. The nurse looked at him then looked at kalebize. "well you can't because kalebize is in the system as family from the beginning and your just a assigned counselor. It also shows you had been fired, so she will end up going with kalebize. But if you want to care for her, then you will have to work it out with kalebize after release. Unless she refuses and doesn't want to go. Then she will be placed in the mental hospital. Because she does have dementia and releasing her with no caregiver isn't acceptable. However, we still can't stop her if she demands to be released. Because that is her right as a person". Kalebize kept silent starting at the ground trying to figure out how to make sakashi feel safe enough to want to leave and go home with him and even leemodo. "may we visit Chandler?" leemodo asked a few moments later. "certainly, he actually asked to see you a little while ago, come; I'll take you." she replied. Kalebize kept silent then began plotting how he's going to castrate and magic stealers until the with they never existed. He walked behind the nurse while fighting himself from losing his cool. Leemodo followed and kept silent as well as he began to feel the crave to spill blood and avenge both girls. He glanced over at Kalebize and looked back to the ground and placed his hand on his shoulder. " we will get her home with you safely. I'll still try and council her to remember you too." he told with a soft smile looking up at him. Kalebize half smiled and replied. " thanks, roommate." he replied and kept walking. Leemodo stopped for a second tilting his head making sure her heard that right then continued to walk. "roomate?" he asked. A few minutes later, they nurse told them the room. Shortly after they walked through a door and met up with Chandler.