CHAPTER 49- Probation

Saturday morning at 7:30 am, the sun began breaking through the blinds dangling in the window. kalebize was asleep peacefully until his alarm went off. Kalebize began to move around before he sat up fast, He leaned over to his phone to turn his alarm off. Once he stopped the alarm he faced planted back into his pillow and grumbled. He flipped his body to turn on his back then pulled the blanket away from him and sat up again sliding his feet over to the edge of the bed until his legs leaned over and stepped on the floor. He stood up and walked to the restroom. He turned on the water and stripped before jumping into the shower.

Around the same time, spike was up eating breakfast with his mother. "Now remember spike, just go and do what you're told and don't start fights. I believe you can do this.." spikes mother told him. "Yeah, I know ma," Spike replied as he started slowly finishing his eggs and bacon. Once he finished, he stood up and walked over to his mother and kissed her forehead before he headed out. His probation meeting was at 8:00 am sharp and can't be late. At that time he left it was about 7:45 am. Kalebize was also leaving his house and began walking to the same location. Little did they know that they were about to cross paths again. They just so happen to be in the same probation meeting.

7:55 am rolled around, spike was seated in his chair waiting for the meeting to start. His arms where folded into his stomach. Kalebize walked in and looked around and immediately noticed Spike and glared. Spike hasn't noticed kalebize yet due to the fact his eyes were closed waiting. Kalebize glanced around the room to find his seat and noticed his name next to spike. He became slightly agitated because he had a feeling the probation officer did that on purpose. He walked over to spike and stopped. "Move please," Kalebize told spike firmly. Spike opened his eyes and sat up. "Oh sorry," Spike replied and froze the second he recognized kalebize and became nervous. Kalebize moved passed him and sat down in the chair next to spike, Kalebize refused to look at him. Spike sat there tense and began bouncing his right leg up and down. His anxiety grew and didn't know how to act. "Why the f**k are you so fidgety for," Kalebize asked him suddenly. Spike gulped and looks down. "I'm sorry for what I did to your girl." Spike apologized. Kalebize kept silent for a moment before looking at him again. "You think an apology will make everything better? Because of you, I lost her. I still haven't found her. I don't know if she's dead or alive." He told spike firmly. Spike kept silent as he feels like they moved locations before they got to her. He wished he knew the other hideout locations to be more helpful. "Well take it or leave it. I said I'm sorry. That's it." Spike suddenly responded. Kalebize looked at spike and glared with pure anger. "I don't want your apology I want you and everyone that hurts her dead!." Kalebize told him. Spike sighed and began wondering why kalebize is even on probation. The director finally arrived and gathered everyone's attention before explaining what the meeting was for. "First, I am director Harada, I want everyone to introduce yourself to everyone. It's a small group so it should not take long, first state your name and why your here, no judgment will be tolerated because everyone here has done something wrong and here to make it right and change. So we shall start with you." The director points at spike with a smirk. The director was short, with brown short hair, he wore a gray shirt and black pants. He was 39 years old and had nice arm muscles. Spike looked around and sighed. "Spike, I was part of a mafia group that helped criminals with anything they needed help with. I have murdered, stolen, gambled, and most recently, I kidnapped a girl and took her to the magic stealers for money, but." He spoke and looked down fighting back his emotions to not show any weakness. "But unlike most criminals, I regret it all. I only did what I did to earn money to provide for my poor mother. She's actually the reason I want to change my lifestyle. I got tired of watching her suffer to make ends meet. So I provided for her. Just illegally.." spike stated as he looked down. Kalebize listened but kept silent. "Alright next." The director responded.

Kalebize sighed before looking up. "I'm kalebize, I'm only here because of murder, I lose my temper a lot trying to protect people I love." Kalebize spoke before he looked back down and closed his eyes. Spike began wondering who kalebize killed but began thinking about his own mistakes. The director nodded and moved on. There were six others who began sharing one by one. Four of them had murdered several people and the other two were robbers who stole from many places and homes. The introduction took about 20 minutes to get through everyone. Once everyone had shared the director nodded and looked at them all. "Alright listen up now, the person you are sitting next to will be your work buddy from now on, today we are going to four different parks and will be cleaning up trash, repainting the playgrounds, and trimming the trees down to help them look more alive. I'm asking everyone to work til 4:00 pm. Do not start fights and please get along. You will be working with your partner through the rest of your probation!" The director had stated. Kalebize looked at spike and rolled his eyes. Kalebize then suddenly spoke up to the director. "Can I get a different partner. I might lose my cool with this guy. You know? I might kill him because that girl he kidnapped was my girlfriend." kalebize states in anger. The other members began to murmur. Spike looked down and understood and didn't blame him for not wanting to work with him. The director sighed. "Yeah I know that kalebize but that's why I paired you two up. You both need to work it out. So no, whoever you're assigned to will not be changed. Kalebize and spike your at part One." The director stated firmly. Kalebize grumbled and began walking to the exit. spike sighed and followed kalebize as the director began assigning the other teams their park locations.

Once they arrived at the park kalebize and spike began to work. Cleaning up trash and trimming down dead tree branches. However, kalebize didn't want to he near spike so they began working on different sides of the part. Hours passed and noontime arrived. One of the probation officers called for a lunch break. Kalebize and spike walked back and began eating the lunch provided for them. For about five minutes nothing but silence. Only the sound of eating. "If I help you find her, will you forgive me then? I'd love to be your friend or comrade to make up for my terrible mistake." Spike suddenly asked kalebize. The officer looked at spike and then kalebize to monitor their behavior. Kalebize looked at spike and became angry. "Listen, I want nothing to do with you!" He replied. Spike sighed and continued to eat. The officer then assigned them to paint the playground. Hours passed as they painted silently near each other. Once 4:00 pm arrived the officer permitted them to leave and go home and the next meeting is next Saturday. Kalebize cleaned up and put things away before he began to walk home. Spike followed kalebize until the officer wasn't in sight. Spike then suddenly grabbed kalebize Forcibly by the arm and turned him around. "Let me help you find her!! I have given you a real apology. What more do you want from me?" Spike asked. "j want You dead spike," Kalebize responded as he yanked his arm away. "Now leave before I kill you." Kalebize threatened him and continued to walk. "I know some people who could find sakashi and get her away from them." He suddenly told him calmly. Kalebize stopped and turned around looked at him. "They are evil men, they kidnap girls and sell them in auctions, but I could go to them. Give them details about her. They will find her and yes sadly auction her off. But if I can get the man I used to work for to buy her. He will bring her to me for money then you will get her back. It's illegal and wrong but you will have her in your arms again." He told him firmly. Kalebize looked at him. "When do they do this auction?" He asked Spike. "Saturdays only, Which is why I'd have to get my old boss to buy her instead. He will do it if I give him money." He replied. "So you gonna let me help you now? I swear I'm done with the crime, all I want now is to make my mother proud, and for me to make friends I can help and depend on me when needed." He told him firmly. Kalebize sighed and nodded. "Fine, but if you mess this up and fool me, I will kill you." He told him sternly. "Now let's go, you can stay with me a bit and talk about this," Kalebize told him as he continued walking. Spike followed him with a smile. Kalebize and Spike talked for three hours straight about the whole plan. Kalebize made it clear that she must not be touched or hurt during any part of the plan. However, spike mentioned that the auction owner he knows doesn't treat his victims easy. Kalebize didn't like knowing that but at this point he just wants her home and safe. He agreed to deal with the negative results just to get this done. He and spike agreed to become comrades. Kalebize still expected spike to earn his full trust in order to become friends, Spike understood and agreed. When spike left to go home, kalebize traveled back to the hospital to see Leemodo for a bit. While kalebize visited with Leemodo continuing to help him recover his memory. Spike was on the phone with his old boss acting as if he's back on business and asking him for a favor. He told his boss he needs to relieve himself and found a girl he wants. He wants to try a new level of crime and become a new type of predator. The boss agreed to bring spike this girl but only for 150,000,000. That's the highest amount he will spend on her and expects to get back. Spike agreed and knew kalebize will help him with the cost. After he ended the call with his boss he called up his auction agent and described the girl he wanted to have auctioned off. He told the man the girl left him for another man and wanted to make her suffer by being sold. The man chuckled and agreed. The man assured spike it will be done. Once the last call ended he sent kalebize a test confirming the plan is in process and the amount his boss wants for the girl, if not given in full amount, his boss will keep the girl as his personal treat. Kalebize read the text and grit his teeth at first but felt determined to get this money to save sakashi and get her back.

During the same time Azusa, sakashi, and Wesley are walking back to their hideout, sakashi began feeling contractions frequently through their mini hike. She figured she would be ok till they got home when suddenly sakashi stops and holds her belly hunching over and groans in pain, the pain began to increase when shortly after her water breaks. Sakashi starts to wobble and feel dizzy before she begins to fall over. Azusa catches sakashi and repeatedly asked sakashi what was happening. Wesley realized she's about to give birth. "Azusa, go and find a doctor, she's in labor, I'll stay here with her. Be quick!" Wesley told him as he gently pulled sakashi into his arms and gently sat down with her and leaned his back against a big rock on the side. He sat her down between his legs and placed her head into his chest. Sakashi grunted repeatedly and began crying. Azusa immediately began to run to the nearest small care center and placed a disguise to hide his identity.

During this same time, Leemodo was making great process in his memory recovery, he was finally able to remember chandler completely, his memory of kalebize also began improving better. He began having small flashbacks of being attacked. Kalebize knew he was on the road to full recovery and began to focus on him harder. Kalebize felt a vibration from his phone. He received a text from spike that read "search for sakashi has begun." When he looked at his text he smiled and looked at Leemodo. "You will meet sakashi soon, I promise." He told him in confidence. Leemodo nodded and smiled.