Chapter 66- I remember

Sakashi took a deep breathe and looked directly towards kalebize and spoke. "Do you remember Where we were hanging out when I said I loved you jokingly and you took it serious and got mad when I said I was joking? And the time where you cried at Night because I ignored you for a few days?" Sakashi suddenly asked as she looked down with tears falling down her cheeks. Kalebize weakly began to look up at her.

"Thinking of all the times we shared for years since young kids to when I realized I had dragon magical abilities and you trying to teach me how to control and work the magic correctly, I can finally remember when my heart broke feeling my magic stollen from me. I can remember being molested and thinking I was never going to see you again, I remember when I gave up loving you for the man who took me from you, I remember The last time I knew who I was. I can remember everything. From the time I met you to this very moment." Sakashi spoke softly yet loudly for everyone to hear. Azusa sighed and looked down knowing he most likely lost sakashi once they get out of this threatening situation but willing to accept it. Leemodo kept silent realizing kalebize had finally accomplished his mission. Sakashi has finally recovered from memory loss and can finally live her life with the man she truly loves. However it wasn't a happy ending just yet. Everyone still needs to make it out alive.

Wesley rolled his eyes and laughed. "Oh how cute. Someone has regained her memory. All it's going to do is make you hurt more once I kill him if you do not get your ass over here!." Wesley yelled at sakashi and pressed the gun harder into kalebize's Temple. Sakashi looked up at Wesley before looking at kalebize seeing he's got a smile to his face while tears fell rapidly down his cheeks looking at her. "Wesley, just give me a damn minute first! Let me finish!!." She yelled and noticed Wesley rolled his eyes and kept silent. "My heart couldn't take more of your abuse, I was sad and lonely living with you guys. The only one who helped me feel safe was Azusa. But now since I can remember when I walked out on kalebize I regret my actions. I remember when I screamed I hated him to deceive myself into thinking it was the best choice. But some how deep inside I still find myself loving more then just one man!" Sakashi told everyone firmly as her tears began to subside. Wesley looked uninterested and grinned. "Ok? And?." Wesley replied sarcastically. Azusa closed his eyes and looked down. Matt yawned and became bored ready for some excitement. Kalebize kept silent as he let her talk. He was trying to regain a form of any sort of strength to try and fight back then get to sakashi but didn't want to act just yet until he knew he could get out of this situation safely. "Are you done now? Get over here girl or it will be his last breathe." Wesley threatened once more. Sakashi closed her eyes. "I'm sorry I'm not strong enough anymore to save you kalebize. No one knew all the pain I went through without being able to remember who I am. I was scared and confused. And I'm sure you fought your own battles knowing I couldn't remember the man closest to me. But just know All the love I truly have to give. I saved deep in my heart for you." Sakashi spoke firmly before taking a step forward. "Let him go now, I'm coming over." She told Wesley. Kalebize grit his teeth and felt the gun move away from his head. Wesley suddenly shoved kalebize into the ground and stepped on his head. Azusa became more furious and began running suddenly towards Wesley with a blade. "Stop. Damnit. Just let everyone go already and do as you want with me!" Azusa yelled. Matt immediately pointed the gun at Azusa. Wesley sighed and knelt down pressing the gun against the back of kalebize's head. Sakashi got nervous and felt helpless she wished she had her magic and strength and be more useful. "Stop!." Sakashi yelled as she fell to her knees pleading. "Just please stop!!" She continued to plead. Azusa stopped and looked at Matt angrily. "Damnit Wesley just let everyone go and take me!" He begged. Wesley laughed and shrugged. "Sorry the choice was already made, so that's a no." Wesley denied Azusa once more. Leemodo looked at kalebize laying on the ground. He saw kalebize trembling and weak and knew he needed medical attention. He continued to try and think of a way around everything and get everyone out safely. Sakashi grit her teeth and stood up suddenly and began walking closer over to Wesley. "Sakashi stop! Don't do it." Azusa yelled and begged her. Matt grinned and was ready at any moment to pull the trigger. Wesley grinned and reached towards sakashi before he gripped sakashi's arm and yanked her behind him. keeping a grip on her arm, then pulled his gun away from kalebize and kicked his head deeper into the ground. Azusa tried to step forward as he grit his teeth but stopped looking at Matt. Sakashi closed her eyes and looked away from everyone. "Get your hands off her you filthy animal." Leemodo yelled in frustration. " you can just beat it and go get help for kalebize let me deal with Wesley." Azusa suddenly yelled out to Leemodo. Kalebize began to push himself up weakly as his body trembled. Leemodo became angrier and glared at Azusa. "Shut up criminal, your the one who caused all this mess." He told him. "Shut up all of you!!." Sakashi yelled before pulling Wesley to get going. "Sakashi dont." Leemodo yelled in sadness. Wesley became annoyed and looked at Leemodo then Matt. "Eliminate the annoying pest over there and then let's get out of here." Wesley told Matt firmly as he gripped Sakashi's arm harder and pulled her into his side. Sakashi became scared and pleaded Wesley. "Please, you promised not to kill them!." Matt pointed the gun at Leemodo and clicked the lever back and aimed with a smile. Leemodo grit his teeth and stepped back. "Sorry sweetheart. I don't play fair." He told sakashi as he chuckled. "Because I'm gonna kill him anyway." Wesley told her as he pointed the gun directly at Azusa. Sakashi screamed and tried to grab his gun but only found herself getting flipped into her knees on the ground with her wrist twisted back behind her back on the verge of getting snapped. She felt the pain and surrendered immediately keeping her head down as tears fell. Kalebize notice Wesley not looking at him but distracted on sakashi. He suddenly looked at Leemodo. Azusa happen to step in front of Matt and glared directly towards Matt making it harder to hit Leemodo if shot was fired. By blocking his aim on Leemodo Matt became frustrated and annoyed. "Move Azusa!" Matt yelled. "No, I won't let you kill anyone close to sakashi." Azusa replied. Leemodo looked at Azusa and realized Azusa really isn't a bad guy now. He realized he has changed and felt grateful for Azusa trying to spare his life by risking his own. Leemodo looked at kalebize and noticed kalebize slowly standing up and trying to keep his balance. Kalebize's strength was low and his body felt numb making it hard for kalebize to feel anything. He felt paralyzed but strong enough to attempt a stand. Wesley was completely off his guard dealing with making sure sakashi fully submits to his will by placing the gun to her head and pressed. "Would you rather let them all watch you die instead before killing them after?" Wesley asked her.