CHAPTER 72 -written letters

Sakashi grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and began writing a letter. About an hour later she sealed the letter and walked over to Hunter. "Hey, can I ask you a favor?" Hunter turned around looked at her . "Yeah whats up?" Sakashi suddenly handed the letter to hunter. "Can you take this and mail it to the prison and make sure it gets to Azusa?" Sakashi asked firmly. "Uh yeah, sure?" Hunter replied with a question. He wondered why but didn't want to ask. He gently took the letter and looked at her. "Thank you!." She told him as she hugged him. Hunter hugged her back and smiled. Sakashi pulled away and walked back to her room.

Hunter looked at the letter then left and took it to the prison himself. He made a vow to protect sakashi and serve her because she was now everything he had left. Unfortunately, he has to hid his feelings for her because he had developed an attraction to her. Once the letter was dropped off. A guard brought the letter to Azusa and handed it to him. "You have a letter." The guard spoke handing Azusa the letter. Azusa took the letter opened it and began to read.

Dear Azusa;

Back when I first met you. I was scared, how you and your friends would molest me until I was physically warned down. But once I began carrying your child I felt a connection to you, I never understood why I felt something, But I did. When you forced me into a tough decision. I not only wanted to give kalebize and leemodo a chance at life. But because I truly did feel like I could help you change, and because I started to love you regardless of how you treated me. I didn't want our child to not know who you are. So I gave you freely my deep love, yet you assumed you had taken it from dominance. Not at all. I could have tried to run away. I could have easily chosen not to go with you because I knew kalebize would of fought to the death for me. But i knew he couldn't have gotten me out if there.

But I saw our relationship as something that could develop and bloom into something beautiful. At the time you only saw manipulation instead of love. It broke my heart to realize that I had broken kalebize emotionally and mentally. But I did it because I felt love for you enough to help you find your way out of that darkness you were living in, despite your cute tough guy act. You became a gentle and loving guy to me. When Wesley tried to molest me. You always stopped it. When Matt almost beat me for failing at something you always stopped him. When new girls came around for their normal evil acts, you refused to take part, and when you did it wasn't because you wanted to. They forced you. Azusa, All I ever wanted to do was love you and bring light to your path, to heal the hurt in your heart.

But Little do you know How I was breaking while you fell asleep, Little do you know, I'm still haunted by the memories, Little do you know I'm trying to pick myself up piece by piece, Little do you know I just need a little more time. Underneath it all, I'm held captive by the hole you left, I've held back For the fear that you might change your mind, and abuse me, deciding not to change. I'm ready to forgive you, but forgetting is a harder fight, so Little do you know I just need a little more time.

What I gave, I gave freely from my heart, yet you thought I never truly loved you. Yet What you saw and felt, you thought isn't love at all; I'm sorry that I failed to teach you, yet it was also your willingness to learn. I should have seen the signs, how you were cold, how you never took the initiative to change regardless of the threat of your friends. Love brings joy, it is the feeling of as a valued person. What you showed me was indifference to my pains, refusing my emotional needs, demanding resilience, and compliance.

Leaving kalebize for you was a harsh road to my mind, my never-ending hell, and now he's dead and there's nothing I can do about it now. He was my first friend, first love, and it feels like I'm slowly dying inside. however in the sense of truth, leaving him at that time was also the only road to your happiness, your chance at a better life and I hope one day you can experience real love. I hope you find your way too, that you learn how to truly love instead of hiding behind the fears of threats. I'll come and visit eventually, I also need to tell you I'm 25 weeks pregnant now with a baby girl. Nothing serious happened to her that day. So you have two kids with me. So rest assured Wesley didn't accomplish killing your child when he beat me that night. but for now. I just need a little more time.

Yours truly sakashi

Azusa read the letter with tears flowing down his eyes, he read this letter repeatedly until he memorized it. He had nothing else to do anyway. His inmates mocked him for his sensitivity. Every day he listened to many prisoners calling him weak and an emotional cry baby. But he didn't care, he only repeated sakashi's letter over and over. Azusa never could fit in with the other prisoners. They all still acted like angry toddlers that can't get their way and complained all day long, they threatened the security guards every chance they got and started fights amongst each other. There was one specific security guard who watches Azusa daily and noticed he's different from the rest. He continued to observe Azusa and became amused at how he was freely putting in his time without complaining.

The security guard wanted to talk to him and escorted Azusa to a room. Azusa sat down silently and kept silent. The security guard looked at him and in the chair a crossed from him. "tell me, why are you so quiet, mellow, and not complaining? And you're here for life, Every prisoner I have seen are always angry and trying to start crap with everyone, but you, you're the first to just keep to yourself."

Azusa looked up at him and then looked back down to the ground. He looked at his hands and clenched his fists on his prison pants. "Throughout the years of the crime I have committed, I felt no remorse or guilt. I enjoyed my evil actions. But that all changed after one girl came into my life. I hurt her mentally and physically, I stole her magic and destroyed her body. Yet she still fell in love with me. She loved me so much she was willing to suffer her happiness to help me find my way out of the darkness and crime I was committing. She helped me realize things most criminals don't always get to discover.

So now I'm here, willing to pay for what I have done. I'm here to pay my dues to make it right. I'm done with the crime, I'm done with it all. And if I get killed by those inmates of mine for becoming weak and soft-hearted then so be it. I deserve death anyway." He told him with a soft tone of voice. It was obvious Azusa was Sincere, it was obvious he truly felt guilt and regret and wanted to change. The security guard smiled softly and sighed. "I won't let you die. I'm going to see about getting you into a better fit cell so you can have more peace to yourself." He told Azusa and stood up, "for now you will wait in this room until I return." Azusa looked at him and nodded, "may I have paper and a pencil? I want to write sakashi back if that's allowed?" Azusa asked as he was unsure. "Sure." The guard replied and reached into his pocket and walked over to him placing a medium-sized notebook down with a pen. "Thank you." Azusa thanked him. The guard smiled and opened the door as it buzzed unlocked and left. The door shut and immediately locked. Azusa began to write.

Dear sakashi;

I'm sorry for everything I had done to you. I don't deserve your forgiveness but I'll wait for your visit. I want you to know that I will now only love you like you've never felt the pain from me, I'll wait for you! I promise you don't have to be afraid anymore. My Love for you is here, and here to stay, So only lay your head on me. Because Little did you know, that I knew you were hurting while I where sound asleep.

Little do you know All my mistakes are slowly drowning me? Little do you know I'm trying to make it better piece by piece, Little do you know I...I love you 'til the sun dies.

So I'll wait.

P.s. that's amazing news. I'm a father twice. How is my little man? Hope all is well. And hope to see Ayato and now my daughter soon. Please allow someone you trust to rather them rightly.


Azusa began to sit there, he placed the pen down on the table and leaned back in his chair. He sighed and rubbed his face with his hands and cupped his hands together placing them on his lap. Looking directly at the ground he began to release all emotions and began to weep heavily. He hated himself. He hated his life and who he had become. He felt like a monster. If only he never met Wesley and Matt he wouldn't have done crime and evil deeds. He felt he could have had a different life with a family. He of course misses Wesley and Matt, but a part of him felt relief they are dead. Azusa heard the door buzz before the security guard returned. "Alright Azusa you're being moved to area A1, it's normally for criminals who will be released after a certain time because they didn't do too bad of a crime but it will be more acceptable for you. You won't deal with threats. Only inmates who feel remorse and regret like you.." he told him.

Azusa stood up as he wiped his eyes dry keeping silent. The guard felt bed for Azusa and sighed. The guard lead him out and handed Azusa off to the A1 location guard. "Please make sure the letter gets to sakashi please." Azusa calmly requested as he walked with the other guard. The security guard nodded and walked back to the room and walked over to the table. He picked the letter up and read it to make sure it wasn't anything alarming and smiled softly. He placed it into an envelope and sealed it closed. He noticed Azusa already had her address on it. He smiled again and walked out of the room and went to the mailbox to drop it off.

Azusa was placed in his new cell. He sat on his bed and laid down. He pulled out his letter from sakashi from his pocket and began reading it again. He wept again until he fell asleep.

About three days later sakashi walked out of her house to check the mailbox. She pulled out all the mail and flipped through each envelope. "Bill, bill, bill, trash." She then paused and stared at one specific letter. It was from Azusa. She gulped and walked back into the house and sat down on the couch, she tossed the other mail on a small table and held the letter in her hand. He hesitated to open it. Leemodo walked into the living room and noticed sakashi sitting on the couch staring at something silently. "What is it, hun?" He asked sakashi as he walked over to her and sat down next to her. Sakashi kept silent and showed him. Leemodo looked at it and sighed. "You don't have to read it, but I think you should." He told her with a soft smile. Sakashi blinked and slowly began to open it.

Leemodo wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her into him. Sakashi opened the letter and began reading it. Leemodo read it along with her. After sakashi finished reading it she began to cry. She leaned over into leemodo's shoulder and buried her face into his chest as she wept. Leemodo wrapped his other arm around her and hugged her closely keeping silent. Sakashi gripped the letter right in her hands. "Is it possible to get him out of there?." She asked suddenly and pulled back and looked at him directly in the eyes. Leemodo sighed. "you really think he changed that much? Is that what you want? What if he hasn't changed and just wants to mind manipulate you to take you again?" he asked her unsure.

Sakashi looked at him then looked down. "I truly believe he has changed. I just want to give him a chance to have a different life that's all. He can't have me, I won't let him." She told him as she looked at her feet. Leemodo sighed and stood up. "Alright, we can try but he's sentenced to life. So it's unlikely. Sakashi kept silent and nodded.

Hunter walked into the living room and smiled. "I'll get him out." Sakashi looked at Hunter and smiled softly. "How? And were you Eavesdropping on our discussion?" Hunter chuckled. "Yes I was, I was hiding behind the wall listening. And I will because iv learned to use my words well. I have a way with words and can easily convince them to release him. Just count on me." Hunter stated pridefully. Leemodo rolled his eyes and stood up before he walked into the kitchen to make food.

Sakashi stood up and walked over to Hunter and hugged him. "Thank you." hunters heart began beating hard in his chest. He wrapped his hand around her head and smiled. "Your welcome." Without hesitation Hunter lifted her face and kissed her.


What do you think sakashi will do after being kissed unexpectedly?