
It was a few nights later that the Alpha attacked Lydia and Jackson at the video store. It was also where it also took its next victim. Elizabeth, Stiles, Scott and Derek were all currently standing on the roof of the store overlooking the polices crime scene.

"You starting to get it?" Derek asks with a dark expression.

Scott was clearly shaken by what the alpha was doing. "I-I get that he's killing people, but I don't get why. I mean, this isn't standard practice right? We don't go around in the night murdering at random do we?"

"No. We're predators. We don't have to be killers."

"Aren't predators just killers who eat their victims after though?" Stiles cuts in.

Elizabeth Snorts. "He's not entirely wrong Derek. So what do you think we should do about the alpha?" She asks.

"What do you mean? Kill it obviously" Scott rolls his eyes.

"That's not what I meant Scott. I didn't mention It earlier, but the only way to become an alpha is to kill another alpha. So that means one of you have the chance to take this opportunity and become an alpha yourselves."

Scott and Stiles are shocked by this admission. "Does that mean you killed someone?" Stiles asks what they're both thinking.

Elizabeth knew she couldn't pull of the 'true alpha' act, so the only option was to lie. "Yes. It's a long story that I won't be telling. Can we get back on topic? Do anyone want become an alpha? It doesn't mean we can't still be a pack. It just means your word is just as important as mine, we would both lead."

"Yea I don't think I'm cut out for such an important task" Stiles swiftly rejects the offer, he really didn't like the sound of so much responsibility.

"Same here, I don't think I could handle ordering Derek around" Scott felt the same.

All of them turned to Derek waiting for his answer. "I was planning on killing that son of a bitch anyway." He smirked.

After a few seconds of silence Stiles spoke. "Can we even kill him? He's strong. The only one here that can compete is Elizabeth, we can barely help out"

"Not alone. We're stronger in numbers. A pack makes the individual more powerful" Derek says.


"Yes Stiles. Being in this pack makes all of us physically stronger than we were before, it also increases our control. You shouldn't be as strong as you are since you've just turned, it's the pack making you improve." Elizabeth explained.

"Can we go now? I have homework to do, and I have to go to a parent/teacher conference tomorrow because I'm failing chemistry." Scott said dejectedly.

"Don't worry Scott, I promise to go easy on you tomorrow, only if you show up though" Elizabeth smiles, knowing full well he wouldn't show up since it would be Allison's birthday. So obviously walking through woods acting cute and taking cute photos should be his priority.


It was the next morning and Elizabeth had just arrived at school. Walking through the hallways she paused when she noticed someone. It was Jackson. He was completely fine.

'Jackson had become sick when Derek scratched him, but that never happened because I took Derek to my house after he was shot. So he never came to the school looking for Scott's help' Elizabeth was surprised by this change.

Something else that was on her mind was the Kanama. Jackson would turn into one when his body rejects the bite Derek gives him for helping kill peter, but would things be different this time round? Would he come to her instead? Or would the bite work?

Deciding not to think on it she makes her way to class. It isn't long before the students come rolling in. "Good morning class. I'd just like to remind you that the parent/teacher conferences are tonight. For those of you below a C-average, this is mandatory meeting." Elizabeth observed her class. Realising that neither Scott nor Allison were present she couldn't help but giggle.

Meanwhile while at the back of the classroom Stiles couldn't get a hold of his best friend.

Turning to Danny he spoke. "Hey Danny can I ask you a question?"


"Well, I'm going to anyway. Um, did Lydia show up in your homeroom today?" He asked desperately.


"One more question?"

"What?" Danny was clearly staring to get frustrated.

"Do you find me attractive?"

The class was confused as to why their teacher burst out laughing for no reason.


After class Stiles headed for Lydia's house whilst Elizabeth went to the burnt down Hale mansion. She knew Kate would go there wanting to torture then kill Derek. He wouldn't die, but Elizabeth wasn't planning on sitting back and letting it happen. He'd joined her pack. So he was her responsibility.

After parking her car outside the woods she immediately stripped off all her clothes and fully transformed, otherwise they would see her face. Elizabeth became a blur as she sprinted on all fours, manoeuvring through the trees.

Stopping a short distance from the house she climbed to the top of a massive tree and crouched. It would be hard to spot her through all the leaves, especially if you weren't looking for anything.

It was about 5 minutes later that Kate Argent and two other random hunters appeared, armed to the teeth in weapons. kicking in the door they entered the house.

"He wants us to wait." The old looking hunter said.

"So I've been reminded - To death" Kate replied sounding irritated.

The younger hunter had dissatisfaction written all over his face "And that means we're not allowed to kill him."

"But it doesn't mean I care." She smirked

"I don't think anyones here."

"Oh, he's here. He's just not feeling particularly hospitable."

"Maybe he's out burying a bone in the backyard." The older hunter chuckled to himself.

Kate looked at him disappointedly "Really? A dog joke? We're going there, and that's the best you got? If you wanna provoke him, say something like, 'Too bad your sister 'bit it' before she had her first litter.' 'Too bad she howled like a bitch when we cut her in half!'. She shouted mockingly with a cruel smile.

Derek suddenly appeared, grabbing the younger hunter and throwing into a wall. Turning around he swiftly jumped into the air and kicked the second hunter, sending him flying across room and smashing his head onto the ground.

Derek rushes toward Kate only for her to dodge and hit him with her electrical baton.

Derek drops to the ground convulsing in pain.

Kate opens her mouth to speak, but before she could get a word out, a giant beast slammed through the front door and rushed at her.

Elizabeth backhanded Kate with a good amount of her strength, sending her flying through the air. Kate landed on the ground with a painful thud.


The sound of Kate's bones breaking fills the room. After she's sure that Kate is unconscious Elizabeth turns into her human form. Completely naked she begins to strip Kate for everything she needs to cover up and everything she doesn't need, leaving the hunter bare skinned in the cold.

"Elizabeth?" Derek moans. His body had healed, but the pain was still there.

"Hey Derek. I was passing by when I heard the commotion. Before you say anything else, I know you want to kill her. But I have a better idea"


It was a few minutes later that Elizabeth had woken Kate up.

"Where am I" she asked groggily. Kate was blindfolded, unable to realise that they hadn't changed location.

"Don't worry darling. I'm just going to ask you a few questions and then you'll be on your way home" A sweet voice sounded in Kate's ears.

"Who's there! What do you want!" She shouted.

The voice replied in a soft voice that sent chills down the hunters back. "Well that's easy to answer. I want to know why you slaughtered the Hale's. I want to know why you took those innocent werewolves, those innocent humans, those innocent children and - burned - them - alive."

After a few moments of silence, laughter filled the room. The pain had gotten to Kate and she was starting to get dizzy, thinking straight was longer possible for her.

"HAHAHAHA, YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY I BURNT THE HALES!?! ITS BECAUSE THEY DESERVED IT! WEREWOLVES HAVE NO PLACE IN THIS WORLD!! I WAS JUST PUTTING DOWN THE FILTH!" She shouted, no longer caring whether she incriminated herself or not. Kate believed she was going to die, so why would it matter if anybody knew the truth?

Derek raises his hand and punches her in the face. They had been recording the entire conversation to use as justification for what they were going to do next. Kill her? No. That would be to easy.


Chris Argent was driving down the empty road on his way to beacon hills high for a student teacher conference when two silhouettes appeared in front of his car.


He stomped on the brakes, stopping just in time. Looking up Chris realised that nobody was there. He cautiously got out the car and saw his naked sister on the ground. Barely alive. Where her right arm used to be there was a cloth instead, slowing the bleeding.

"KATE!" He ran forwards and checked her pulse. When he was sure she was alive he called a friend of his who could help.

Hunters got injured all the time, so they couldn't go to hospitals as there would be too many questions. They needed contacts like these.

Minutes later a massive van appeared. The driver stepped out and helped get Kate into the back. The van was filled with very rare medicine with special properties. Similar to wolfsbane, but much less common and a lot more expensive. The van drove off.

Chris headed back to his car. If one were to look they would see no emotion on his face, but there was a plethora in his heart and mind. As he was walking he saw a recorder on the ground. Picking it up he pressed play.


As soon as the recording stopped Chris fell into silence. He clenched his fist in anger.

'I should've seen it.' It all made sense to him now.


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