Registration Day

Katania led them through several impressive rooms before they found themselves once again beneath the open sky. They found themselves suddenly amidst the noise and commotion as hundreds of hopefuls stormed near the gates. A sort of queue had developed with a long line in front of a small table behind which sat a small stubby sort of woman with sharp rimmed glasses perched precariously on the edge of her nose. "Once again then, child," she was saying wearily to the small boy standing next to what could only be assumed was his fuming mother. Happy to get another chance to prove himself the boys face turned bright pink as he struggled to do whatever it is had been asked of him. "You see?" said the woman behind the table, "he does not have any cultivation, honestly you should know he does not as it would have required resources on your part to begin with!" she said shrilly, "Next!" The woman was red in the face and seemed as if she would strike the woman, however in the end she grabbed the boy by the arm, turned, and stormed away in a huff, her face showing trace amounts of vengeful spite when she threw stabbing looks over her shoulder.

"Next!" the woman repeated, and a flimsy wisp of a boy stepped up to the table, "Grade?" The boy emitted his aura. "grade 4 Spiritual realm, not bad." she jabbed a thumb over her shoulder, "Next!" This continued for a while but Katania was scanning the surrounding area for a glimpse of Ophelia, it was quite hectic at the moment which made singling anyone out a difficult task. They were at the foot of a staircase that stretched at least half a mile long, it led to the main entrance of the academy, it was here that the tables were set up and hundreds of people queued up for admittance to the school. Katania soon spotted Ophelia placed at the far end on the opposite side of the stairs from where they stood. It didn't take long for the three of them to make their way over, Ophelia stopped her line to register them personally. Katania went first, she emitted her aura, "grade 1 Heavenly realm," she said calmly. Ophelia nodded excitedly, "Approved!" she said gleefully.

And turning a less excited but still beaming face toward Erik, "And you, handsome?"

"Grade 3-" Katania started to say but she was stunned by Erik's aura, "Grade 1...Soul realm." she said with some shock and her eyes studied Erik's face seriously as she reevaluated her brother. On the other hand Ophelia was beaming at the thought of finding a second talent in such a short period, indeed her luck had been quite good, and after giving him the standard approval she rewarded him with a completely non-standard kiss on the cheek and pulled away breathlessly, a smile frozen in place on her lips.

Erik followed Katania up the steps leading to the main entrance in something of a daze.

"Planning to increase your grade some more now, brat?" Katania smirked.

Erik nodded absently, and Empress looked, well, horrified, or at least as horrified as a transparent face can look.

Empress' thoughts were inconsistent with the present situation, "if he displays the same talent as Katania...perhaps- but no..." Empress shook her head, at least not now, it wasn't the time to consider it. At the top of the stairs a grand white stone door inlaid with gold, wrapped in intricate patterns slowly slid inward. And as it did, a beautiful hall revealed itself, a raised platform in the back was facing row after row of small tables. At least 100 of them on each side of the room. Gold-and-Crystal chandeliers hung high overhead lending a pleasant radiance to the atmosphere.

The people in this room were of varying age but all were dressed in beautiful white and yellow uniforms causing Katania to gasp at how gorgeous they were. After questioning a student she discovered she only needed to approach the raised platform and she would be instantly garbed in a uniform of her very own. Excited, she dragged Erik toward it and before she had come within 10 steps her attire had changed, and now she too stood in a beautiful white and yellow uniform, she twirled on the spot glancing over her shoulder as she checked herself out, positively glowing with happiness. She bowed to the woman who had robed her and the lady inclined her head in acknowledgement and pointed towards a table. Katania rushed over with Erik in tow and sat down. A deep, sonorous voice cut through the chatter as she did so, "Another year, and many welcomes to all those who have joined us and indeed, those who have returned. I am your Principal, Wulsert Alexander, you may refer to me as Mr. Alexander. This year we have seen the arrival of many exceptional talents and it is our hope, that you uphold the standards and integrity to the benefit of our school. Thank you." He sat down, a small pleasant smile barely visible on his lips. Katania saw several of the girls around her swooning in their seats and fanning themselves and each other with their hands and rolled her eyes. Before she could think much of it a hundred men and women wearing pure white clothing marched into the hall as if practiced, holding large silver trays in white gloved hands. They moved quickly between tables and when their hands were empty, as they walked out one hundred others would walk in and continue serving. Delicious spicy, sweet, and savory aromas assailed their senses as the scent of a thousand dishes filled their nostrils. Erik's eyes grew wide at the sight of food, and Katania herself was no exception. Suddenly a look of horror crossed Erik's face, and he leaned over to whisper to her, "Please eat normally," he said, "don't embarass me," he leaned away and Katania saw a pleading look in his eyes. She was fuming and the fork in her hand had been squeezed so tightly it resembled a broken stick. She glared venomously at him before turning back to her food, "I'll eat how I like," she muttered but was very careful to eat slowly and properly chew her food. Erik released a sigh of relief and Katania shot a furious glare at the back of his head as if she might throttle him. When the food was almost gone, Katania was staring at the empty plates and platters forlornly and Erik carefully dabbed the sides of his mouth with a napkin. After deeming himself presentable he shot a glance at his sister and immediately placed his head in his hands at the sight of her miserable expression. "Hopeless," he muttered, and turned away from her completely, resolving to ignore her. Katania decided she would revenge herself on him later, "you dare be ashamed of me? see how I deal with you!" she thought savagely and patiently ground her teeth. "I hope..." Mr.Alexander had stood up once more and began speaking, "that the food was to your liking and you all have had your fill," Katania glanced down at her flat belly remorsefully, "and now I think it is time for you all to become better acquainted with one another, the day is yours; dismissed."