Ch.1 Who runs the world?! Girls!!

This world has changed… a lot actually. Society has improved and many of the world's conflicts has been solved well just so you know war still exist… that's probably the only thing that hasn't changed much. But other than that, everything else seems to be fine. Well… to be honest a little bit of something is different...okay fine a whole lot of things have changed. I don't know about your world, but in mine, us.. I mean us as in women are the ones with power now. I don't mean magical power or anything, but power as in dominance. **whisper** For Your Information what I meant is that women have taken over the world…

"Anyway, let me introduce myself. Hello, I am Chief Justice Park Yoona of South Korea's Supreme Court. Welcome to the Supreme Court's first meeting ever since the new Queen was crowned." In a room with a blind, separating Yoona from the other justices. Chief Justice Yoona begin introducing herself ~~ Loud chants and protesting ~~ "Get rid of the noises please",Yoona who is on the other side of the blinds said to the man standing outside the door. Yoona tries to remain calm in the Supreme Court since its a very important meeting. But as the crowd grew louder and there hasn't been responded to her message, she didn't hesitate to jump up . Angrily she yelled , "Assistant Lee!!". The doors of the Supreme Court swung open and a man with a masculine figure in black clothing ran in, panting. After catching his breath he finally said, " There is a protest outside, they want to meet you!!". Yoona rolled her eyes and yelled, " WHO STARTED IT THIS TIME?!!" as she stormed out of the meeting room followed by her assistant. While the others justices rush out of the courtroom as well, knowing Yoona's temper. Everyone knows how bad Yoona's temper can get. She was born with a golden spoon in her mouth. Yoona is as spoiled as can be, being the child of the richest family in town and the sister of the Queen. Everyone also knows that she is not someone who can be messed with easily.

Yoona stomped into her office room cursing under her breath, " These beeping bastards, always ruins my beeping day with their stupid protest." After taking a couple of breaths to calm down a bit, she stepped out onto the balcony to see the protest. Her eyes widen as she couldn't believe what her eyes were seeing. A female protestor, for the first time in like a million centuries, protesting for the voice of a man. Yoona quickly turned to Assistant Lee and told him to bring in the female protestors within the crowd. As her assistant rushed out, Yoona went back in and sat at her desk confused and yet very interested in this female protestors as to why she would protest for something that would not benefit her as a woman… What kind of women is this??

A super long centuries ago, the world had their first female queen which led to other countries around it to have their first female queen. And then sooner or later the whole world has a female ruler. As time passes, laws change and women begin to overpower the men. Now women are ruling the world.

As her assistant walked into her office room he said, " I brought in the female protestors, she is waiting in the yard. Would you like me to bring her to the meeting room to talk with you?"

Yoona turned to her assistant and asked, "Hey! Is my mask covering my face? Can you see my face??"

After glancing at Yoona, Assistant Lee quickly replied, " Yes, ma'am your mask is still on. No, I can't see your face."

"Good, bring her to the meeting room." said Yoona as she slowly walked her way out of her office.

Ever since little, Yoona was never confidence about her real face being shown to anyone. When she was little, Kimberly was bullied while still in girl's learning school because of her low self esteem. She still remembers the whisper that crawls into her ear.

"Yoona, no one wants you! Your too ugly!"

"What kind of monster is this!!?"

"Teacher! Yoona probably ate another students, no wonder there is not much people anymore!!"

Laughters fading away….