
Tony and Minn-Erva

They were walking towards the holding cell. The Starforce members also had access to the security systems so they knew that there are no guard or people in the holding cells.

On the way, Tony had small talks with Minn-Erva. She wasn't very talkative at first but Tony all of her reactions to everything he said. Tony used this as a baseline to get an idea on what she is thinking or what she is feeling towards something.

Tony learned how to read people in order to deal with politicians. Those people basically lie for a living. Reading her was a child's play compared to them.

Tony eventually found a topic she was interested in and they got familiar with each other.

They were in front of the holding room. They were waiting for the doors to open and Tony asked her. "So after all this is over, want to get together some time?"

Minn-Erva: "Vers can't hear us anymore so you can stop it."

Tony: "Okay. Wanna do it now?"

Minn-Erva just pointed Tony to the door. "Just walk"

Tony entered the holding cell inside. Before the force field got activated, Tony tried again. "You know, this works with any one else. But you don't even react properly"

Minn-Erva: "It's because I am not interested."

Tony: "No, if you're not interested you should be annoyed. At the very least, you would tell me to give it up. But you don't seem to mind. I am even getting the feeling that you like me hitting on you."

Tony looked at her. She tried to maintain a poker face but Tony saw some hints in her movements that suggested that he was right. Tony decided to go on a bit. "You are enjoying it. I guess you like the attention"

Minn-Erva: I am NOT!!!

Tony: "Oho. You ARE interested. But I guess being in Starforce is a turn off for the Kree men. Don't worry, I'm more open minded than they are. I don't care about if a lady is stronger than me. As long she's hot, I am always ready to go to town.

Wait. Vers said you are part of the Starforce way before she was. With how young you are, the only way to get recruited to special forces is if you have some power or military academies. You don't seem to be like her so that means.....


Minn-Erva was looking at Tony who suddenly stopped talking. She knew he was speculating but she was surprised Tony was able to guess a bit of her back story.

Tony kept thinking for a while. He pieced all the information he had as well as his assumptions.

Tony: "EUREKA. You never dated anyone. You're still a virgin.

You are so focused on your career that you haven't been with anyone. Before you knew it, there are no more suitors approaching you. That's why you don't try to turn me down. I might be your last chance in having a relationship."

Minn-Erva: "NO. I have dated others."

Tony: "Really? Then you wouldn't mind if I do this then."

Tony went towards her and kissed her. She was shocked with his actions and tried to pull her gun. Tony pulled her closer to him stopping her. Tony tried to stimulate some of her pressure points to make her relax. He figured it might work since she has a humanoid body.

Tony was not sure if his effort in trying to make her relax succeeded or if she was just going with the flow but he felt her reciprocate. She kissed him back and they started making out.


Tony and Minn-Erva were laying on the bed of the holding cell making out. Tony had one of his clones transport a comfortable bed before everything started. He was caught in some of his plans but all those plans did not include him laying on the floor.

During their make-out session, Tony activated signal jammers he placed inside the room. This was supposed to isolate who ever his guard was from the rest of the team. In this situation, he just activated it because he did not want to be disturbed.

He touched Minn-Erva all over her body but did not try to disarm her weapons. He did not need to and she might notice and stop their activity. He just focused on making out with her.

They were getting in the mood when the felt vibrations coming from somewhere in the ship. They stoped and Minn-Erva tried to contact her team. There was no response so she tried asked Tony what he thought that was.

Tony: "Oh that? That's probably your teammates getting their asses handed over to them by Carol. Oh right sorry. You know her as Vers. But forget about her, let's continue where we left off"

Minn-Erva tried to draw her guns but Tony held her. He told her to relax and then continued kissing her. She went with it until Tony got his tongue inside her mouth. She bit his tongue.

Tony : "Owww. I huess I hant bhame hhoose how. Ih heally huss hen hoo geh youh hongue hih"

( I guess I can't blame Goose now. It really hurts when you get your tongue bit)

Minn-Erva draw her gun and shot at Tony. She saw his body pop into smoke. When the smoke cleared, she tried to go out but the holding cell's force field was already active. She tried to shoot it but the damage from her gun was immediately repaired. She looked for her rifle but she saw it on the other side of the force field.

The door opened and Tony went inside the room again. "Hey sexy. Missed me already? We could go on if you want to."

Minn-Erva tried to shoot him but it was also useless.

Tony: "Tsundere. That's always fun. Don't worry, I'll come back for you. Then we'll continue where we left off." *wink*

Minn-Erva tried to talk back but the door already closed and no voice reached Tony


Back a bit in time.

Vers led the Yon-Rogg and the other to the main laboratory.

Along the way, she informed them how Tony helped her get to the ship.

They arrived at the laboratory. The team split up and manned all the exits. Yon-Rogg peeked inside to check the situation.

He saw Skrulls busy packing up their research equipment. It looks like they already noticed their arrival since the Skrulls were only packing the important documents.

Yon-Rogg waited for all the exits to be covered and then went inside.

The Skrulls stopped their actions. They were surrounded. They were told to disarm all their weapons but no one moved.

Vers: "They don't look armed."

She then looked at the Skrulls and stated her demands "Give us the energy core and we will let you go."

Yon-Rogg: "Let go? They're Skrulls Vers. Either they surrender or they die. There is no other option."

Vers: "But they don't look like warriors. They look like refugees. Can't we just leave them alone?"

Yon-Rogg :"Korath may be correct. You may be you are a Skrulls."

Some of the other Starforce members started pointing their hands at Carol.

Carol pointed her hands on an empty space and fired a photon blast. "See, I'm not one of them"

Yon-Rogg: "It still doesn't mean you are compromised. Stand down and let us handle this."

Vers tried to reason out again but no one listened. All of a sudden, a voice was heard from one of the Skrulls. "See Carol, I told you it is just warriors. Noble or hero is not included"

The doors of the laboratory suddenly closed shut. Yon-Rogg aimed his weapon at Vers "You fraternized with the enemy?"

Carol: "You lied to me."

Yon-Rogg: "I made you the best version of yourself."

Carol charged up her hands but the chip on her neck started to glow.

Yon-Rogg: "What's given, can be taken away."

Carol then held on to the chip on her neck. "Oh you mean this."

Carol took off the chip on her neck. "Yeah sorry, this chip on my neck is a fake. It just makes bright flashing lights. Just like I do."

Carol then started glowing.

Yon-Rogg: "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Fighting in this enclosed space would affect your new friends."

Carol: "Those guys? Yeah they're fake too."

He heard sounds of combat behind him. Carol gestured to check it out and she won't be attacking.

Yon-Rogg turned around and saw the weirdest combat situation he ever encountered.

There was a black human woman just holding a gun. She doesn't seem to be pointing at anyone and was just watching the scene like he was.

There was a black human man holding a cat. The cat had tentacles coming out of its mouth. A couple of guys were getting slammed all over the place by tentacles.

Korath (the person with two swords) and Bron-Char(the punching guy) were floating upside down. The two only used melee weapons and had no guns. Unless Korath threw his swords, they can't even do anything to anyone right now.

When Korath tried to throw his weapon, he suddenly spinned around like a helicopter blade. The swords he weilded floated towards a man. Yon-Rogg recognized the man is Anakin. He tried to contact Minn-Erva but there was no response.

Anakin: "Sorry, Minn-Erva is currently unavailable for ''stuff''. Damn I wish I was the one with her right now."

Yon-Rogg: "You expect me to surrender? Order the Accusers to retreat?"

Anakin: "No. You have to fight her. She really wants to beat you up. I suggest you clench up. Otherwise it'd be over in a minute. It would be boring and all my planning would just be a waste of time."

Yon-Rogg: "Vers? There's...."

Yon-Rogg was suddenly hit by a photon blast and got blasted to a wall. He was stunned for a while but was able to regain consciousness and stood up "Is that all you can do? Use your powers to beat me? Turn off the light show and you are what? Prove to me that you are stronger than me without your power."

Carol : "I have nothing to prove to you."

Anakin: "Yeah but you still owe me money. Fight him without powers and I'll consider it paid."

Carol looked around. She saw that all the Kree piled on one corner and Anakin, Fury, and Maria who were sitting on the other side on some seats.

Anakin was giving the other two some popcorn. Fury and Maria did not know where it came from but took it anyway. They have seen too much weird stuff today to wonder where Anakin got the popcorn from. They asked if he also had flavour packets.

Goose was also busy sitting on a cat bed with a plate of fresh sliced meat in front of her. She was munching on some of the meat while looking back at Carol. The Flerken was also waiting to watch Carol fight with Yon-Rogg.

Anakin: "What? You also want also want some food? "