House Stark

After Duchess Satine explained Mandalore's current situation, she requested for Obi-Wan to have the Jedi stand down. She hoped they would let the Mandalorians handle the situation.

Satine had accompanied Obi-Wan before. She knew that while the Jedis act as peacekeepers, they weren't pacifists. They may try to talk things out but if they ever encountered danger, they usually end up using their lightsabers.

Obi-Wan refused Satine's request and they started bickering. They were debating at first, but the two's conversation started having some personal attacks.

The two started arguing as if they were alone. This made everyone else in the room uncomfortable. Tony and Anakin didn't even hesitate when they decided to leave the two.


Tony: "If they ever were a thing, then it definitely ended badly between those two. Remember not to follow Obi-Wan's example when it comes to relationships. You might break up with your wife, only to have her die because of sadness."

Anakin: "Wife..."

Tony: "Oh crap, my fault. Hey ANAKIN, stop dreaming about Padme."

Anakin: "Huh?"

Tony: "You should really stop daydreaming about Padme. You might do that when you meet Padme. Then, you would become the creepy boy she met.

Anyway, what do you do after these?"

Anakin's mind was all over the place. It took him a while to realize what Tony was talking about. Tony was talking about the investigation and what to do after it.

Then, he looked at Tony as if something is wrong. He always felt that Tony knew a lot more than he did, so this question surprised him.

Tony: "What? I may be allowed to go alone but you have more experience when it comes to these kinds of stuff. You're the one exploring the galaxy. You should lead the way."

Anakin: "...Okay...Right... What do we do... Usually, after we talk with the leader, we do our own investigation. I guess we check your contact for some intel?"

Tony got his communicator. He asked for a data transfer and the information started flowing.


Tony's clones were already aware of the situation thanks to Force-net. As soon as they got a lead, a group of clones was sent to investigate it.

They started gathering information from all the civilians in the region. They don't usually talk to strangers but Jedi Mind Trick made things easier.

The clones weren't able to gather much information on the credit stealers. Still, his investigation wasn't useless.

He encountered some strong-minded individuals during his investigation. He suspected they were Death Watch members as they should be the only ones on guard when it comes to these kinds of questions.

He sent some clones to follow each of these individuals. He tracked them while using Force Cloak until someone eventually slipped up and gave him what he wanted.

Some of the individuals who slipped up contacted Death Watch directly. These people reported about the investigation and then they were caught by the clones.

After capturing them, Tony started interrogating them. The clones shared all their information with each other, increasing the pressure for the captured ones to spill all their information.

He did get some information but it wasn't that useful. They wouldn't share their information willingly, so Tony had to take them by force.

He started using Jedi Mind Trick up to its maximum without caring about the target. The members may have strong minds but this only proved to be their downfall. Whenever they resisted, they would experience pain. Tony was torturing them. He didn't care about it though as he already knew some of their actions were too bad and they deserved them.

During the advanced interrogation, some of them kept resisting. They couldn't handle the pressure and their minds broke. Still, they weren't all perfect, one of them couldn't handle the pain and started talking.


The Death Watch did well in compartmentalizing their information. Tony acquired some useless locations, but he determined that they are primarily operating in Mandalore's moon, Concordia.

After interrogating everyone, he learned of the location of a primary temporary hideout. It was just full of tents with a vice leader managing it.

Aside from this location, Tony was also able to determine which clan some members of the Death Watch are.

The pure-blooded Mandalorian's are just too proud for their own good. They couldn't help but place their clan's insignia on their armor.

Tony was able to create a list of possible leaders of Death Watch because of this.

On the top of the list is the head of House Vizsla, Pre Viszla. Not only is he the Governor of the moon where they primarily operate, but there was also a noticeably large number of members from House Vizsla in Death Watch.

Tony kept the next person on the list to himself. It is because the next suspect is the Duchess herself.

It wasn't because there were sightings of her but because of a subgroup in Death Watch. The subgroup, Nite Owls, is an elite group of Mandalorians under the control of House Kryze. There are other suspects such as Satine's siblings. Unfortunately, Satine was the leader of their House Kryze, making Satine the next suspect.


Anakin has just finished processing all the information. He was just about to make a decision when Obi-Wan arrived.

Anakin: "Master. You finished fighting with your girlfriend?"

Obi-Wan: "Satine's not my..."

Tony: "Ooh, Satine? Anakin, do you usually refer to rulers without Duchess or something?"

Anakin: "No. I tried, but Obi-Wan reminded me not"

Obi-Wan: "[Sigh] You know, something tells me Master Windu didn't go along because of you two. Anyway, what have you two been up to?"

Anakin and Tony informed him of what they learned. They wanted to ask permission to go to the moon but Obi-Wan stopped them.

He and the Duchess already talked about things. She would be accompanying them because she wanted to supervise their investigation. Her experience with Obi-Wan made her fear their recklessness might cause a scene.

Obi-Wan wanted to warn the two because they looked like they were up to something. The two agreed, telling him that they wouldn't start anything.


The Jedis started investigating but they didn't go straight to Concordia. Obi-Wan said that they had to do things properly so that they wouldn't antagonize the locals.

The Jedis fought a war against the Mandalorians before. They don't want to do anything that the Death Watch might be able to use against the new Mandalorian Government.

The slow-paced investigation bored the two boys. Tony wasn't even paying any attention as they were just rediscovering everything that he already investigated. In the end, Tony spent most of his time in the ship meditating. He was placing all his focus on the clones that were near the Death Watch hideout. They were taking all his credit so he didn't them to escape.

After a while, they eventually went to Concordia. They have just entered the moon's atmosphere when Tony and Anakin started complaining. They wanted to go to the loading bay, stating that they needed some fresh air.

Obi-Wan refused so they said that they couldn't handle the tension between Satine and Obi-Wan and would rather leave the two on their own.

Obi-Wan wanted to stop them because he felt they were up to something. Unfortunately, the two moved fast, leaving before he could stop them.

He followed the two and saw them playing rock paper scissors. He wouldn't have minded leaving the two but he noticed that they were playing on the exit ramp that was already open.

They kept having a draw but Tony won after Anakin got distracted by Obi-Wan arriving. Anakin wanted to go for round two but Tony denied it.

Tony: "Crap. Obi-Wan is already here. Anakin!!!"

Anakin: "Wait a second. I'm concentrating"

Obi-Wan saw Anakin closing his eyes for a bit. He didn't know what they were doing but they were up to something so he tried to stop them. They looked at him so he thought he succeeded.

Obi-Wan started lecturing the two when Anakin smiled mischievously. Then, the spaceship suddenly 'encountered a turbulence' and started shaking.

The shaking was just light but the two boys acted like they were disoriented by the shaking.

Obi-Wan didn't know why they were doing this but he knew after the ship had its next big shake.

Anakin and Tony(monotone): "Oh no. We accidentally fell off the spaceship."

JARVIS jumped off, stating that he had to 'rescue' them. He held a helmet that was supposed to help them survive.

Obi-Wan had a helpless gaze while watching them fall from the sky

Obi-Wan: "[Sigh] Always on the move."

Obi-Wan went back to Satine and told her about the 'accident'. He tried to buy some time before they sent a search party.


In the skies, Anakin watched JARVIS wrap around Tony. Tony got a hold of him and they started flying towards the Death Watch camp.

On their way, Tony switched his helmet with the one JARVIS brought along. The helmet's shape started to transform until it looked like a Mandalorian helmet.

Anakin didn't ask since he knew Tony was working on sorts of things. This helmet should be one of his products that the Jedi council didn't feel the need to be shared with the public.

Tony: "Anakin, give me your lightsaber."

Anakin: "Do I have to?"

Tony: "It's your plan. It's not my fault you lost in rock paper scissors. You lost so you have to act as the prisoner."

Anakin: "Fine..."

The two flew for a while but landed just before they got near Death Watch's camp. Tony tied Anakin up in order to make it look like he captured him.

They started walking towards the camp where some Mandalorian guards stopped them.

"Halt. Who are you?"

Tony: "Anthony. House Stark. I've heard that this is the base of Death Watch. I've come to join you."

"House Stark? Never heard of it."

The guards drew their guns and pointed it at the two.

Tony: "You want to fight? Fine. Shoot us. Let's see what Pre Viszla would do when they discover that you killed this Jedi scum that I captured."


Tony: "Are you deaf? I said I captured a Jedi. Now take me to Pre Viszla. I know he's the leader. I want to talk to him."

Tony was intimidating them to make them feel uncomfortable. It was another one of the tricks the Jedis taught in their art of negotiation.

While he was saying this, he and Anakin were each in Mind Tricking one of the two guards. They succeeded in tricking them but Pre Viszla wasn't currently in the camp and couldn't meet them.

Tony: "Then bring me to the next in command!!! Or do you think you can handle this Jedi on your own."

In the guards' minds, Tony was already in charge. They led the two to a tent and told them to wait because their lieutenant was on her way.

When the lieutenant finally arrived, she immediately drew her weapons and pointed them at Tony. Tony just sighed and complained to Anakin about the newcomers.-

Tony: "[Sigh] Hey Jedi, can you believe this?"

Anakin: "Can't say that I do. Even the younglings back at home are smarter than them."

"Shut Up"

The lieutenant tasered Anakin until he passed out.

Tony: [JARVIS, remind me to create a surge protection layer in the clothes. Jedis are far too weak against electricity for my taste]

Then, she took off her helmet. When she did, Tony saw a young red-headed woman. It had been a while since he last saw a red-headed woman but it turns out that he still had a thing for redheads.

Tony: [Damn it. Force, Phoenix. Is this your work?]

Tony heard them deny the accusation but he didn't believe them. He wanted to continue interrogating the two but the woman got his attention.


Tony: "Bo-Katan Kryze. Sister of the current Duchess Satine. Does your sister know you're part of Death Watch? I guess not. Or else, she would have stopped you guys from trying to assassinate a senator"

Bo-Katan: "Senator? What are you talking about?"

Tony: "This might be worse than I thought."

Tony started telling her about Padme's assassination. He made sure to mix some of the details on Death Watch he discovered, with Padme's assassination. It wasn't a perfect mix he did enough to make it look like Death Watch was behind the assasination.

During his explanation, Tony noticed the disgust in the woman's face. Seeing that she might not be truly evil, he couldn't help but try to convert her to their side. She wasn't as attractive as Jean, but she was still attractive enough that Tony wouldn't mind hitting on her.

Since he tried to recruit her, he started to point out how stupid some of the Death Watch's actions are. She seemed to like violence based on her reaction so he just selected some of their activities that caused some pointless violence.

He pointed out how some of the lives that were lost during their bombings weren't a good thing. Death Watch believed in the strong dominating the weak but it didn't mean you have to kill the ALL of those who are weak. Some of them still have some purpose and killing them indiscriminately wouldn't help in their cause.

While she agreed with some of Tony's points, she told him that she couldn't do anything about it. Their leader is determined by their strength. She tried fighting against their leader but Pre Visla was unbeatable.

Hearing that the Death Watch determined their leader based on strength, Tony suddenly had an idea. A way to gain credit while also putting the blame on someone else.

Tony: "Fine. Call Pre Visla.

I, Anthony of House Stark, challenge him for the leadership of Death Watch."