Chapter 7 Zero Punch

On Route 904

Light-You know I really need go catch more Pokemon

Leko-Yeah but Me and Meltan are enough for you



Rico-Okay you are correct I can't just go with 2 Pokemon

Light-Well,Before that Where are Lily and Aiden

Rico-They told me that they need to buy supplies from the mart so we can go ahead

A loud screams was heard

Light-What is this?

Leko-Its a SuperPokemon

Light-Are you sure?

Leko-100% Sure,I know this voice very well

Light-who is it

Leko-It is my friend Minaso,A SuperPokemon that is different in Moves and Size


Leko-Yes tjere are SuperPokemon who are different in Size too you can call them giant

Light-Okay then Lets Catch Minaso



Leko-Rico call out Zerlso

Rico-Okay,Come on out Zerlso

Zerlso-What is it now,Last time you called you said we would battle but we didn't

Leko-Zerlso,Its Minaso




While they were running they saw him


Minaso-That Voice,Leko is that you?

Leko-Yes,Its me with Zerlso

Minaso-Zerlso too ,how are you m friend i have been sleeping all this time but I have finally waken up

Leko-Yeah,I know

Minaso-So How is the Village

Leko-Uh,Minaso The village was destroyed by hunters but all the SuperPokemon made out

Minaso-Oh,I see so who are these humans

Leko-Oh this is Light,My trainer

Zerlso-And this is Rico my trainer




Light-I want to fight you and want to capture you


Leko-Its okay Minaso he is a great person to battle

Minaso-Okay then lets do it

Light-Okay Leko I choose you


Leko HP-187 Level 20

Minaso HP-180 Level 19

Light-Leko use Triple Charge

Its super effective

Minaso uses Rock Punch

It hit

Leko HP-175

Minaso HP-155

Light-Leko use Electeical Wave

Its Super Effective

Minaso uses Lightning Kick

It Hit

Leko HP-163

Minaso HP-130

Light-Okay use Zero Blast


A huge explosion

Minaso uses Zero Punch

Its Done damage to both sides

Leko HP-12

Minaso HP-1

Light-What was that

Leko-Zero blast was originally known as Zero Punch but did less damage as I trained alot with Zero Punvh I learned Zero Blast,Minaso was the one to teach me this

Minaso-I see you have learned Zero Blast

Leko-Yes,I wanted to tell you this before but you went for sleep



Light-got it,Go Pokeball

Pokeball Wiggles 1,2,3

Minaso Captured




Leko-Okay Lets Go,We cant use Minaso in town battle he is huge so.he can desroy the town

Light-Okay but gym battles

Leko-Yeah Gym Battles are okay

Rico-Okay then Lets meet up with Aiden and Lily


Without their knowing someone was looking at themm from far-far away

???-That SuperPokemon is Planning something,I have to warn the Human

Aiden-So you caught another SuperPokemon


Lily-Whats te name of him

Lily-Its Minaso

Aiden-Minaso,it must be a small one if it has that name

Light-No its the opposite

Leko-He is a giant


They all enter the Pokemon Center

Light-Okay lets heal our pokemon first

,here you go nurse joy

Nurse joy-Ok It will take some time,There are alot of Pokemon

Light-Okay,I will be out for some time


Light-See you later

Rico-See ya

Light exits the Pokemon Center

Light-There are some good pokemon here,Okay Lets try to catch some Pokemon

As he was walking he fell from a slope a slide down to a mysterious place

Light-Ouch,Where am I

???-Well you are in my territory

Light-Who said that?

???-Look who you fell on

Light-Oh aa sorry

???-Its okay

Light-You are ZERAORA!!!!!!!!!!

Zeraora-Shut up

Light-You can talk so are you

Zeraora-No!I am not a SuperPokemon,I am not Normal either I am a Pokemon that can talk

Light-Okay,So why am I here?

Zeraora-I had to tell you something very impotant


Zeraora-The S.P you believe in so much they are not what you think they are

Light-What do you mean?

Zeraora-I think These S.P are planning something so they are going to desteoy all humans

Light-No,I believe Leko isnt like that

Zeraora-Regardless,Keep a eye on them will ya

Light-Yeah,But I still dont believe you

Zeraora-Just Keep a eye on them

Rico-Light,where are you?

Zeraora-You can go just remeber

Light-Yeah,I Promise

Zeraora Disappars

Rico-where are you?

Light-I am Here!

Rico-Okay,Here are your Pokemon

Light-Okay,Come on out Minaso!

Minaso-Okay!What do I have to do Master

Light-Just help me get there,Okay


Rico-What were you doing,Outside without pokemon

Light-Oh catching Pokemon

Rico-Well did you catch any

Light-Nope,But Saw a cool Pokemon

Rico-Which one

Light-Well its a secret,Lets go back


Light-Leko,When did you

Leko-When you sent out Minaso


Leko-Yeah I was Invinsible


Leko-Its my ability

Light-Oh okay

what happens find out next time in SuperPokemon