Truth or dare

After a long battle that we failed again I remember a sentence that we were told during training

//your only strong once you've learned your weakness not your full power//

"ummm let's spend the night at a hotel tonight I think I've just realized something"

+Jordan puts a arm around my shoulder+

Jordan: look we all know you only realized you love me and that's why you want to go to a hotel

+blushes+ "n-n-no! I don't realize that!"

Jordan: oh really then how about we play truth or dare when we get there

Jake and Blake: YES!!!!


+they all make a sad face+

all: pleasssssssssseee

+looks at Jordan+

(why does he have to look so adorable????!!!) "Alright alright fine"

all: thank you!!!

+we arive at the hotel and get a room+

Jordan: time to play truth or dare!!

Jake and Blake: WHOOT WHOOT!!

+Forgets about what she realized+


Jordan: Jake my one hand man! truth or dare?

Jake: Dare all the way!

Jordan: haha I dare you to kiss Blake

Jake: O.O what? f-fine

me and Jordan: do it do it do it do it!!

+Jake kisses Blake+

Jordan: Yes!

Jake:truth or dare Crystal


Jake:is it true that you like Jordan?

"yes. I'll be full on honest." +blushes+

+Jordan lifts me up+

Jordan: yes! thank you!

"h-heh what?"

Jordan: you don't understand how long I have had a crush on you!

+Jordan looks me in the eyes+

Jordan: y-you do mean it right?

"o-of course"