Motherly smudging

" I wanna go to that house! Oh and that one! And that one! and the houses across town!"

Angel: Woah slow down we'll hope that we will make it even over there

Jacy: Crystal!

Lake: Wait!


+they hand you a book+

Jacy: Your father wants you to look at the first page and read it since he doesn't have the magic ability to read smudging

Lake: Ok Jacy we have to hurry back or he's going to be mad!

Jacy: Sorry gotta go bye Crystal and Angel!

+You read the page+

"The most important thing about me is that... I loose control depending on my emotions.."

Angel: But what emotions though?

"I'm guessing stressed, sad, scared, mad"

Angel: Don't Tell your dad what it says Crystal under no circumstance


Angel: Well I'll have to explain from when I first had to work for your father...

I was walking by and happened to hear him on the phone but I don't know who he was talking to.

Dad: Yes I know that she will return one day and the day that she does come I'll make sure she's clueless because knowing her she will be like her mother and not want to help me easily so I'll need to know what makes her loose control of her magic

Someone on phone:And how do you plan to lead her into your hands?

Dad: You'll help me make her some fake friends and she will never know that they are fake, They are programmed to help Crystal gather feelings for them she might eventually end up loving one of them and it may hurt when she finds out but it will be too late she will do anything to save them I know she will.

someone on phone: Your a horrible person for this but you better be lucky that I'm helping you.

But he never had a choice the guy came by and realized that it was wrong at last moment before finishing and tried to exit but your father stabbed him.

"That's the only reason why I'm here? I never even had friends..."

Angel: I'm so sorry that I had to tell you-

+You hug Angel+

"You promise not to leave me right! You promise your not a machine?!"

Angel: Yes I promise

+You start breaking down in tears which makes Angel breaks down in tears+

+You've been hugging so long that you two are now sitting on the ground hugging each other as tears run down both of your faces+

"We need to run away"

Angel: If that's what you need then ok we can leave for a little

"No Angel I mean forever"

Angel: You would be fine with staying with me forever?

"Your the only person who is real and didn't lie and I-Im the only person you trust r-right now r-r-right?"

Angel: Yes Crystal sh sh sh please stop crying we can run away ok i-i promise. We have to stick together.

"I'm fine with that"