Hell of a Start

It was a day like any other for me, just a casual walk to my grocery store after my Japanese history classes ended. When I came to the crosswalk on our very busy road, I see the light turn red and start going across the crosswalk. Little did I know the mistress fate had other plans. I get halfway across and hear a honking through my very fashionable red headphones. When I looked up, all I saw was the grill of an 18 wheeler. I didn't even have time to think about what happened before I just kinda went black.

Actually, why can I think about it now? Do brains work when people are dead? Am i just in a coma? Maybe i'll wake up in a hospital any minute now?

*Connection Established

Oh... fancy words in the darkness of my mind. Maybe i'm getting isekai'd. Having a harem would be nice but I'm not really a fan of the whole big bad evil guy thing that happens. Oh fancy words please give me a sign.

*Status: The Ronin System

Name: Adrian Proushe





Heyyyy, I'm pretty smart I think. But if I have stats I have a body right?

*Notification: Host is adapting, you are currently unconscious.

If I'm unconscious then why can I think still?

...Fancy words please answer me. When can I get up?

My eyes open on their own and the brightness immediately blinds me. "Fucking christ man, at least tell me my eyes are gonna open!"

I sit up on what I assume is grass because I'm still rubbing my eyes and trying to adjust. a few seconds later I take a look around and see i'm in some kind of clearing in a forest, or what I assume to be a forest. Standing up and looking down at myself, i'm naked, but my body seems pretty similar to before my accident, but a little fitter. My johnson was even the same size, that size being not big enough.

*Starter Pack Received, Open?

"Uh, sure why not." A leather sack dropped in front of me on the grass from out of nowhere.

"Fancy magic words thank you." I open up the sack and find what actually looks like a bath robe but of the lowest quality material I've ever seen, I think it might rip if I even pulled it a little too hard. and next to it was a wooden katana, a Bokken if my history knowledge holds up.

"No food huh? Magical words can you conjure some more stuff?" I look around hoping for an answer, getting none. Well I guess I can just look for a town or something, don't know if the language is English or not though.

Walking out of the grassy clearing, the soft grass turns into roots and small rocks dotting the ground. The natural sounds of the forest being overshadowed by my incessant swearing at the rocks stabbing my feet.

"Couldn't have given me some shoes at least, stingy." I walk what feel like miles to my feet but I knew it was only around 200 meters from where I started and start second guessing myself. Maybe walking into a scary unknown place with some robes and a big stick was kind of a bad idea.

I don't get too much time to think though as I hear some rustling in the bushes near me. Looking over, I see the lightest hazel eyes, beautiful to be sure, I was starstruck. Sadly, my fantasies were cut short as my sight of the eyes was followed shortly by a low growl in the same direction, to which I promptly bolt away from.

"Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!" Adrenaline pumping through my veins as I sprint away from what I can only assume is my second death today seems to be in vain, as I hear running behind me, and in more spots than one.

"Fuck meeeee!" I spot a lower hanging branch on one of the trees, I quickly try to climb it, turning around briefly to see how close to dying I am. The answer was too close for me, so rather than shit my robe I scramble up faster than I thought I could being barefoot. Being around 12 feet off the ground I look down and see a wolf jumping up the tree towards me, hanging onto the trunk with one hand I swing down my wooden sword trying to at least stun it, which it doesn't. It grabs the 'blade' as I swing it down and rips it out of my hand, falling back down the tree.

"Well damn." I climb up to the next branch, being about 30 feet off the ground and look down. I don't see any fur, just my slightly better stick near the base.

At least it wasn't broken, and those wolves weren't mutated giants like in those stories I used to read. I take a deep breath and see the sun still high in the sky, I thought protagonists were supposed to get a break or superpower when they came into the world, not get jumped by wolves. All i got for coming here was a scratchy robe that's super ripped up because of the bark, and wooden sword that I can't get right now, and some numbers that i can't do anything with.

I waited a while on my branch until it looked like it was the afternoon before I heard what sounded like voices in the distance! I climb down my tree, grab my big stick and start making my way over to where I hear them, my feet aching as I walk. Maybe these people will help me get to a town! Hopefully at least.

After a minute or so of walking I finally find them... surrounded by bodies. The only word I could think of was disgusting. Some corpses were covered in deep gashes, many were missing limbs, having them strewn around the battlefield, others had they're heads bashed in, what I can only guess is brain matter littering the ground, the grass stained red with blood and the faces of many showing the shock, horror, and pain of an unwilling death.

There were 3 people standing towards the center of the massacre, a freakishly large tanned man wielding a club, his body covered in blood, a beautiful woman licking a small amount of blood left by her lip, I don't know if it was hers or the dead's, and the man in the center, tall yet well built, dark hair hung just over his piercing blue eyes as her stared at me.

Just as I lost consciousnesses from the sight and smell, the only thing thing that went through my head was...

Those damn fantasy stories all lied to me!