A Victory

Seeing a man rushing towards me with real meaning to kill was another shock to my modern society oriented brain. I stumble backwards, my bare feet digging into the ground as I swing my weapon upwards, hoping for a lucky hit as he closes the distance.

He sidesteps to the outside of my clumsy swing and throws a hook to the side of my body, knocking the wind out of me.

Buckling down from the blow, my weapon swings downward and hits the man in the shoulder, making a cracking sound as I try to make some distance.

I see a grimace form on the convicts face as he grabs his arm and, with a sharp POP, he seems to pop his dislocated shoulder back into place. Still unable to catch my breath, I watch him fix himself and quickly close the distance between us again, this time with his guard up, caution in his eyes.

I click my teeth, knowing I won't get lucky again I steel myself and try to meet him directly. I take a step forwards, letting out the rest of air in my lungs as I swing my weapon downwards, trying to end it in one shot.

The criminal was ready though, he easily sidestepped this too, stepping on my lowered weapon and ripping it out of my hands, throwing his knee towards my face in the process.

I manage to throw my hand in between the two, but it just served to soften the hit a little, throwing my head backwards as my vision flashes between normal and black.

I feel a strong hit on my stomach as I buckle forwards, losing all air in my lungs. I feel a tug on my hair as I'm thrown forwards, landing on what I can only guess is my weapon.

"This is really what you threw at me huh? He can't even fight, it's like he's never held a sword before in his life!" I look up and see the convict addressing the little crowd around us. I grab my weapon from the sand and get up to a crouch.

"Easiest bail I've ever had." He said as he turned back towards me. I leap forwards, stabbing forwards towards his stomach, hitting it directly.

I see his eyes widen as he spits out bile onto my 'Sword', buckling forwards as I step to the side and strike downwards onto his head, knocking him unconscious.

I look out to the crowd, trying to catch my breath after the quick but intense fight when a notification pops up in front of me.

*Opponent defeated: Experience unlocked

*Level up

*Status: The Ronin System

*Name: Adrian Proushe

*Level: 2

*Experience: 0/200

*Strength: 8

*Dexterity: 12

*Constitution: 9

*Intelligence: 17

*Status Points: 1

"HAHAHAHA, WELL DONE LAD!" The tall man who brought me here hit me on the shoulder as the others standing around smiled at me.

"Now, lets get you out of those rags." Another man came up to me and handed me what looked like chain mail covered by a jerkin, some leather pants, and boots.

"Well, put em on!" Not one to turn down free things, I quickly put on the armor, seeing it fit rather well, I threw a questioning glance to the tall man.

"We took some measurements while you were napping, can't be too careful. I'm Garth by the by, and from now until I decide not too, I own ya."

My eyes narrow a bit, "What do you mean you own me, I haven't done anything?" He smirks,

"Yea but as someone with no I.D, coming about just as we kill off some thieves, i'd say you're lucky we didn't just kill ya." I click my teeth again at that.

"Hmph, I don't think that's how that really works." He lets out another hearty laugh.

"You're right about that lad, but you don't have a choice at this point. just work for me until you get your feet under ya and we'll worry about the rest later. It seems like you'll need it with how dumb ya are anyway." I hear laughter echo through the pit as everyone seems to join in on his laughter.

Seeing my serious look, he claps my shoulder, "Like I was sayin, I'm Garth, and these are gonna be your teammates in the future, though you're welcome to do jobs yourself too." I take in everyone around me, in all shapes and sizes, the only similarity is the grin on each of their faces.

"See I have this bad habit of taking in people who need a hand, like yourself. Eventually it ended up a little bigger than i'd imagined but... I don't regret it."

"I guess I owe you a bit." I say as the bodies flash through my memory, and a cold sweat drips down my back. This guy, Garth, at least seemed friendly. Maybe having some people to count on wouldn't be too bad either.

"I'll join your little group for now then." This elicits another grin from the group and Garth himself.

"Welcome to the family lad." He extends his hand out, which I take in my own. His rough hand contrasting the wet look in his eyes and his soft smile.

His grip hardens, so i squeeze harder but he just keeps going. I quickly put my point into strength, feeling the burst of power I squeeze harder... but fail.

"AHHHH!" I cry out and go to my knees as he lets go, hearing everyone else let out a hearty laugh at my expense.

I sigh and rub my hand looking up at everyone, not seeing the humor in my pain. A familiar face walks up to me, the huge bald bronze statue of a man takes my should and easily lifts me to my feet, or rather throws me to my feet.

He chuckles, "Little man too weak, Garth strong, to everyone." He pats my shoulder with his massive hand and points to himself.

"Atlas. Me teach, strong." He pounds on his barrel like chest with one hand and then gestures to everyone.

"Meet them."

I sigh again and walk towards the group, more dreading the unique personalities I'm sure they all have than actually meeting them.

Well... I guess my real fantasy starts here.

I walk forward, towards my future.