One day a 21 year old girl named Angelina was coming from work and stumbled across one fine and handsome guy the same age as her-The guy had amazing nice silky blonde hair a tint of brown,messy hair with beautiful soft olive skin - "He is wearing formal clothes so he must of came from work also",Angelina thought. " Here let me help you up''" As soon as the mystery man helped angelina up they both felt the wonderful tension from one another and they both got a little nervous.
" Hi-I'm angelina''said Angelina ,Then the mystery man said" Hi-I'm Liam,And I must say
That you are very beautiful". Liam took his time to analyse every inch of Angelina-She had brown hair with a little blonde,Beautiful olive skin and everything.
What a beauty she was Liam thought-her clothes was also formal- " sorry I did not watch Where I was going" said liam," Don't worry about it - I didn't watch where I was going either so I guess we are both in the wrong" said Angelina,The Two of them laughed at that remark.
" How about we go out to Eat"said Liam, " sure-I would love to" said Angelina-
Okay,Let's go to my car" said Liam.As soon as
the two reached to the car Angelina was amazed,The car was a red 2019 BMW with amazing black leather in the inside of it." You're car looks ASTOUNDING!" said angelina," Thank you" says liam.Liam was such a gentleman towards angelina he opened the car door for her and everything,Soon enough the two reached to an amazing wine and dine spot in the rich area of manhattan.