PIZZERIA...once the two headed to the pizzeria-They went to the Lady at the front desk so they can get their table. "Hello miss,May I have a table for Two please"said Angelina- "sure miss,just wait 7 minutes please"said the Lady.so the two patiently waited on the couch awkwardly until it was finally time for their tables. "table for two,table for two,"said the lady at the front desk-As Angelina and Liam got up from the couch,The lady took them to their table. "Your waiter named Jane would be here in a few to come and take your orders,Enjoy your day"said the Lady- "Thank you"both said Angelina and Liam.
As the two waited for the waiter to come,Liam now decided that it was time for them to talk to each other more and what they have been doing since the drama that occurred. "So...want to talk?"said Liam- "sure,what about?" Said Angelina, "well...what have you been doing since you know-The drama?"said Liam. "oh!,It has been boring without you I can say that"said Angelina-Liam heart started to become warm as hot chocolate and his face started to blush at that remark. "Really??"said Liam- "yea,I was basically doing what every girl on a breakup does even though we aren't dating:for example,I was watching sad romance movies at night while eating ice cream"said Angleina.
"Wow-well if it makes you feel any better,I was kinda doing the same exact thing to during the breakup but how boys do it"said Liam. "Really!!"said Angelina- "yea,I was trying to keep myself busy with work and stuff,"said Liam- "well,I guess we were both going through some things"said Angelina. "Yea"said Liam.As Angelina finished talking,The waitress came to take their order- "hello guys, my name is jane and what can I get for you guys today??"said Jane. "Hello ma'am,I would like a coke with 4 slices of pepperoni pizza"said Angelina"Then Liam Said "I would like the same thing ma'am".
"Okay,I'll be right back with your orders in 3 mins"said Jane- "Thank you very much Ma'am"said both Angelina and Liam.Aa the waitress left Bot Angelina and Liam decided it was best for them to just sit quietly and wait until The waitress came with the food-So Then they were on their cell phones until the waitress finally came back.when the waitress came back she placed the food and the drinks slowly and nicely on the table. "Here goes your food guys"said Jane- "Thank you"said both Angelina and Liam,The two lovebirds were amazed by how perplexing the pizza was-And don't get me started on the smell.Ohh,It made them feel like warm inside- "This Pizza looks Amazing"said Liam, "I agree"said Angelina.So for the rest of the day,The two lovebirds was talking,enjoying themselves while eating pizza.