Wish In The Heart

Finally the day he was leaving for Jarenkul came. He felt a little bit trepidatious about going to that country but he felt confident that he could hold his own, better than others would suppose. The reason why his father was sending him there made sense. Even though it was known as being the most chaotic of their allies, with high rates of crime, it also had one of the most health invoking environments. His father was hoping that spending a whole year there might help improve his health.

And so, it was that that Heron found himself standing near his father's castle's gates, saying goodbye to his beloved sister and the young knight Asrar. Asrar as usual was quiet, but someday, Heron vowed, he would make it so that this man could once again be the mischievous person that he was sure was still hidden deep inside.

"It's only a year, sis," He wiped her tears off of her face. "And who knows, Jarenkul may just improve my health."

She let out a choked laugh, "Always the optimist, brother."

"Well, someone has to be," He laughed, "And with you crying and Asrar thinking who knows what it falls on me."

"Heron… be careful okay?" His little sister's voice was filled with emotion as she tried to keep the tears at bay.

He patted her head affectionately, "Of course, don't worry about me. I may be weak but I am smart enough."

As his sister struggled to control her emotions, Heron turned to Asrar and talked softly to him, "Take care of her alright. Don't let her get too lonely."

"As thou sayeth." Asrar spoke in that overly formal way he had adopted for years. Heron was not sure that he was capable of talking in a relaxed manner any more. Not that it mattered. Just as long as he was alive, he was sure that someday things would get better.

Heron turned away feeling a tug at his heart thinking of leaving these two kids all alone. How would they fare without him there to keep an eye on them? He plastered a smile on his face as he got into the carriage his father had prepared for him. His king father gave him a nod as he rolled out and he returned a respectful half bow.

As the carriage moved out, he looked out, checking that his guards were not really paying much attention to him and pulled out one of the spell books he had smuggled out. He smiled looking forward to the opportunities that getting out of Amriel would give him to pursue this art. Someday, his land would change. It might take him weeks, months, even years but his health restrictions had taught him patience years ago.

Several uneventful days passed on the road before they crossed borders. He found himself appreciative of the landscape and paused in his studies to watch the rolling green hills. He was not sure when he fell asleep in a dream of magic and an Amriel that was safe for those he loved.

He was startled awake though when the carriage overturned.