
Queen Serendiah received them into her hall rather quickly. It was almost impressive how quickly when compared to his own father's habit of actually making people wait just because.

The queen of Jarenkul was a tall young human woman with long black hair that hang straight down her back. Her eyes were just as dark as her hair. Unlike the other queens she did not wear a gown but instead armor. Black leather armor that was the type often favored by her more roguish subjects.

Her throne was made from a black stone, obsidian if Heron judged correctly. Though he was no expert on stones. She perched on it, well sprawled may be a better term, much like a relaxed lazy cat.

A smile lifted the queen's lips into a lazy arch, "So the long-awaited prince of Amriel has arrived. It has been a while since our sister kingdom has deigned us with a visit from their royalty. I hope your visit will be a pleasant one, Prince Heron of Amriel. Your room has been prepared already. Feel free to roam as you like. There are very little rules that you need to abide by. Just basic human decency."

She paused a bit and then continued, "And if you need anything do not hesitate to ask me or anyone. We will do our utmost to accommodate you.

"Thank you." Heron bowed politely.

Then the queen turned to look at Elswyth. "Welcome again, ranger. Are you sure I can't hire you? I really would like to add you to the rangers under my employ."

"No." The words were flat. And the queen nodded understandingly.

"Well if you ever change your mind, I would be happy to have you."

Elswyth really seemed uninterested. So the queen dropped it and Elswyth went to leave, not bothering with bowing to the queen.

As she went to pass Heron, the ranger girl punched his shoulder and gave him a nod. The acceptance in that nod made him smile. He was glad that at the very least they were friends. That was a rather nice thing to know.

He had made a friend. A friend who disliked royalty and nobility. It felt like an accomplishment.

"It really is a pity. She is a rather good ranger, but the most I can do is hire her for a time."

Heron didn't say anything but he agreed in his heart. Elswyth was a good ranger. And she had a bright future. And he wished he could have spent more time with his new friend. But she had her own life to live and her own path to follow.

And he understood that. He did hope they would meet again at some point.

Heron just smiled at the queen and took her leave. Or he was about to when a wave of nausea swept over him followed by a twisting almost crippling pain that made him stumble.

Seeing him falter in pain, Serendiah jumped up, her expression turning to one of concern. Which made sense. Their kingdoms might be allies but he was the crown prince and if anything happened to him while in her kingdom his father would hold her responsible.

It probably wouldn't end in outright war but trade and relations would become strained. At least he hoped it wouldn't lead to war.

"Prince Heron!" She grasped his arm and lead him to a chair, "Are you quite alright?"

The mercenary queen looked at him in concern, as he struggled to take deep breaths. The pain was starting to die down though he still felt rather uncomfortable and Kimp was tightening around his arm as if in anguish.

He had no idea what was going on with himself but could feel a burning desire to get out of here. To just go. He wasn't even sure where.

His heart was thudding in his ears uncomfortably loud and he felt as if he was about to faint as he went extremely lightheaded. He took a deep breath and for a moment it seemed better.

But then everything went black.