The Picnic

Though Serendiah had forgotten to inform anyone, or maybe it was on purpose – Heron was not quite sure, she had had her servants pack a lunch for all of them. Basically roping all of them into a surprise picnic.

Heron did not really mind. He was pretty sure being outside like this was good for him. Elswyth seemed the most surprised of any of them. Kuryzan and Tira just seemed kinda used to this. Probably were if this was how Serendiah normally was.

Anyway, the queen had them dismount and tie their horses reins around low hanging branches, to keep them from running off. Elswyth showed Heron how to do this. He found it interesting learning the loose tie that would easily come undone.

The queen spread a blanket for them to sit on as she unpacked the picnic. Bread and meat and cake. It looked delicious.

Heron sat down next to Elswyth. He hoped that his friend did not grow annoyed with him over this – but he naturally navigated to sit with her, as he was more familiar with her and knew that even if they might be silent they had a surprisingly good understanding of each other.

Perhaps because they had seen each other's past. They just understood each other as if they had known each other for years.

Frankly, he trusted her. He would trust her with his life. Maybe not his sister's life but at least he considered it. Actually, if he needed to – he would. Like Asrar was still the person he would trust first – but that was just because the guy loved Hazel so much that he would do anything for her.

Anyway, it was a bit startling to think that he actually would trust Elswyth with his sister's life if it came down to it.

Elswyth glanced at him as he sat down beside of her. Then she turned back to her hawk. Sun really was a handsome hawk, Heron could not help but to admit.

They were sitting in a bit of a circle to eat. A tight one that allowed them all to have conversations together.

On Heron's other side, Kuryzan sat down. Heron noticed that he had hesitated before sitting, and it was only when the half-elf pushed him lightly that he finally did sit.

The elven wizard seemed a bit nervous though. His body language was a bit tight, and uncertain. He seemed almost like he wanted to bolt. He relaxed a bit when Tira sat beside of him though.

Serendiah sat on the other side of Elswyth and tried to get her to talk to her, but while Elswyth would answer her it was always rather short and to the point. Heron smiled to himself over it – his friend really did not want to have anything to do with Serendiah.

He was lucky she wanted to have anything to do with him. Elswyth really did dislike nobles as a general rule of thumb. That she had accepted him was something he was more than a little happy about. He wasn't entirely sure why but he wanted her acceptance.

He did not really feel awkward that Elswyth was not talking to him either as they ate their picnic lunch. The silence between them felt companionable.

The silence between him and Kuryzan felt a whole lot more awkward. Somewhat because it seemed as if the elf wanted to say something but had no idea how. His eyes kept flickering over and then darting away. But for half the picnic he was silent.

Finally he did say something, "So, uh, Prince Heron…am I right that you, uh, like reading?"

"Yes. I used to stay up late and read all the time." Heron said. He felt a bit relieved that the wizard had finally said something.

The elf's eyes lit up, "Really? Do you have a preferred type of book?"

"History." Heron said with a grin, "And magic books."

For a second it didn't seem to hit Kuryzan what he had said. Then his eyes widened in surprise. Elswyth snorted a bit as she watched this exchange. Heron knew she wanted to laugh but was trying not to.

"Magic books?" Kuryzan said in a startled voice, "Do they….even have those in Amriel."

"It is one of the reasons I stayed up late to read. My father would have skinned me alive." Heron said with a laugh. "But it was the history books I was reading that got me interested."

"Oh." Kuryzan looked down, "Um, if you wish to learn magic, I, uh, could probably help you."

"I already taught myself some spells. I'm not a very good wizard but now that I got myself a familiar I should be able to learn to be better at it. I would love to talk about magic with you though."

Kuryzan smiled, a bit of shyness in it, "I would like that as well. I don't have many people who understand anything about magic really to talk with. I mean… Tira listens… but she is a ranger, and she doesn't even know nature magic."

Heron smiled. He was a bit happy to have made a wizard friend. He didn't really have that many friends in the first place and having a friend who could understand his interest in the arcane arts was something he had actually kinda yearned for.