Kur's Notebook

They were so adorable together!

Kur felt a bit giddy just looking at them. The vibe between them was just so…perfect for shipping.

Just look at them!

A somewhat desperate woman wanting the object of her affections to notice her and an obtuse prince who confused it for mere friendship. It was great!

Kur was very happy he got to witness this. It was better than reading a romance book! He actually got to watch the live thing!

Aw, Heron actually seemed a little more aware today. At least the tips of his ears were a little bit red.

Kur happily flipped open his notebook and jotted down the date and the sentence, "Heron seems to be more aware of El. Progress has been made."

Then he shut the notebook and went back to his research, though he peeked at them every few moments, mostly watching Elswyth's face.

Watching her young maiden in love face was like balm to the soul.

He really hoped she got Heron's heart – though it would be okay if it took a bit longer. They had only known each other a short time after all. Well, he would like to see them get together quickly but some things just couldn't be rushed.

And meanwhile he got to watch. How fun!

Kur happily hummed as he continued researching. It was hard trying to figure out exactly what manner of spell affected the young prince. They really didn't have all that much information to work with. And it had been a botched spell in the first place. Which was irritating. If you were going to do magic don't botch the spell!

To calm his irritation he glanced at the adorable scene across from him. Oh, she had just brushed his hair out of his eyes again. And he hardly even noticed. Just kept flipping through books as if he wasn't in a cute couple scene. Which made it cute in a different way.

Kur wanted to giggle but bit his lip to keep it in. He could not disturb them, after all.

He dropped his eyes back to the book. He was currently reading an old tome on spells, most of them had not been casted in a long time. It was actually an interesting book. Had some very cool pictures. He flipped another page.

Oh, that was a rather good sketch of a dragon. One of the fire subspecies. And it wasn't often you saw a dragon sketched next to a humanoid figure. They did tend to keep to themselves.

He read the page interested. Oh! He had read references to this in some other old books, it really was a spell that no longer got used ever.

'The Leshall Draconic Regiment is one of the best armies in the world (second only to the Nirealian's, but that goes without saying.)

Due to the nature of dragon society the army is a bit looser in nature than most armies. The way the army works is that each dragon is paired to a partner who they bind themselves to in a partnership. There are a variety of spells used, the most common one is written here.

To be chosen as a dragon's partner is truly a great honor. Most dragon's don't ever bother binding themselves at all, as they don't have to(Do we have to name the obvious exception?). So, when a dragon does put themselves on equal footing with one of us lowly creatures, it is truly a wonder. Especially since dragons are some of the most loyal creatures in the world.'

Underneath all this text was the contract spell. It was interesting, but Kur fully knew that he would never get to use it. Dragons had all taken to living in the wild lands after all, and they seem to have washed their claws of humanoids.

But still it was interesting to find references to a time when they lived and even partnered with humans. Like most mages, Kur had a bit of a fascination with these creatures that were said to have first given knowledge of learning magic. Sorcerers weren't quite as fascinated, at least not most. But sorcerers didn't owe their legacy to the creatures, well except draconic sorcerers.

Kur flipped the page again. He needed to focus. The next page was nowhere near as interesting nor was it useful.

He glanced up again to watch his new friends in their own little bubble of affection and obtuseness. Oh, they were so very much fun to watch. He could gladly watch them all day.