More Careful In Future

Elswyth realized she needed to pay more attention to make sure Heron didn't overdo things. He might be enthusiastic and all but really his body was rather weak and if he pushed himself too much who knows how much damage he could do to his body.

She glanced back at him as he followed her. She hoped he listened and would be willing to admit his weakness to her. It was nothing to be ashamed of. He had been born with a weak body. It was just the way it was. Sure, he could improve some of it, but he was at a major disadvantage with his body.

He was stubborn though. Both a good thing and a bad thing. It was good that he was determined to do his best and she found that admirable about him. But she worried he would push himself too far, and not pay attention to his own limitations. Well, she knew he was aware of them, but what if he in the heat of a moment pushed himself too far?

It wasn't that far fetched. He was still a teenage boy after all. Not as reckless as most of the ones she had met before, but still…

At least his face looked better now. She focused more on moderating their pace to accommodate his abilities. She did not want to push him too hard, and he was more used to a flatter terrain.

Though she had never been to Amriel she knew the basic geography of all the kingdoms. Just in case. And Amriel was fairly flat land. Nothing like all the hills that made up Jarenkul.

She slowed her pace to match his. It made it easier to keep an eye on his face and how he was faring.

Heron broke the silence, "Its more fun walking in Jarenkul. More tiring, but fun."

She smiled at him, "Probably shadier."

"Definitely shadier." He grinned, "And its…Amriel, well I don't know about the more rural areas, but the city, it doesn't really have much in the way of nature. There is one forest nearby…but I've never gone in there. It's a bit dangerous."

"Well, our forests can be dangerous as well. But if you're with a ranger like me, you don't have to worry about it." She grinned. She wasn't bragging. It was the truth. She was an excellent hunter. "Especially one of us who have spent most our lives in the forest." Even the rangers under the queen's employ might not be as good as she was. They often didn't have as much experience of actually toughing it for long extended periods of time.

Heron chuckled, "I would think hunting would require more patience."

She blushed at his teasing. "I'm very patient when hunting. Dealing with people is different."

"Probably." He agreed, "But patience could translate over right? But you can be so impatient."

She punched his arm and he yelped a bit. "I know that I'm not the most patient person. I like being busy. Sitting around doing nothing isn't my style."

"At least you aren't lazy."

"I have yet to meet a ranger who was…" She laughed softly, "Some more sluggish ones certainly, but never a lazy one."

Heron didn't say anything. Just fell silent. After a while, she noticed he was looking rather red in the face from the exertion again and so had him sit down, on the ground this time due to a lack of conveniently fallen trees.

"We'll start heading back after a bit of rest, okay?" She said. "That will probably be enough for today."

"Okay." His voice was a little subdued. And his smile was resigned. She felt sorry for him having to deal with a weak body. She had never considered how lucky she was to have been born with a good constitution.

The walk back he was silent. They rested again in the same spot they had earlier.

As they rested again, she clapped her hand on his shoulder, "Hey, Heron. Don't be upset about it. You might never be fully, well, as strong as other people. But I think you can be a great wizard. And wizards don't need to be strong."

He laughed, "Yeah. You're right. I still would like to be a little stronger…if just so I'm less sickly. That would be nice."

"We'll get you lots of good fresh air and see what that can help." She stroked his hair.

He grinned at her.

When they were back at the castle, he was exhausted. All the walking had about done him in. So she had him go lie down until supper. While he needed physical activity and fresh air, he also needed plenty of rest.