A Break

The book on curses did not have anything specifically useful in it – at least not pertaining to Heron's issue. Well there was a curse that sounded a bit similar – at least symptom rise but it would have affected him more. With the fact it had only been once it was ruled out.

Once again a dead end. It was frustrating. Especially since they had no idea what it was. While it had not acted up again it was still there. And an unknown magic that had caused such discomfort – it was impossible to know if it might not grow worse. Though last time it had ended with fainting, there was no guarantee it might not grow worse.

They had spent several days on it, and even Kur's brain hurt a bit from reading so many runes. Even though they could work through them it was still mentally taxing. And they still had another book to read through.

They had both agreed to set it aside for a day and to have some fun outside. It was a bit surprising that this suggestion came from Kur. That the normally reclusive wizard actually suggested to go outside was a bit surreal.

That became less shocking though when Heron found out it was because Kur's half-elf friend had asked him to. While Heron still did not really know much about Tira it was obvious that Kur almost always, or always – Heron had yet to see him not, listened to her.

Heron mostly cared about his sister's love life and didn't really pay attention to others but it was really obvious his friend had a major crush on the half-elf. The elf's pale cheeks would grow rosy when he so much as talked of her. And he absolutely perked up in her presence.

Heron had never seen someone so obviously in love. Asrar certainly did not have nearly as many tells. But that boy was pretty good at hiding his feelings. It was only cause he knew him so well he could at all tell.

Because Kur was his friend he did care about his future happiness and he did hope the half-elf ranger felt the same for him. He did not really know if she did or not. He had not observed her long enough and did not know her very well. Today would be only the third time he had met her so he could really only count her as an acquaintance.

Because they were taking the day off to go outside, Elswyth had let him off training for the day. She said he probably wouldn't backslide too much with just one day.

Elswyth and him met up with Kur in the front portion of the castle grounds. Kur seemed even more nervous than usual. Even though he had a crush on the half-elf he shouldn't be this nervous about meeting up with her. In fact, he never seemed nervous over her. Just a little flustered.

"What's got you nervous?" Heron asked after a few minutes of watching his friend twist his fingers together.

"Ah!" The elf flushed a little, "Obvious I take it? I'm just not used to introducing people…"

"?" Heron was not sure what his friend was talking about but he continued speaking.

"I want you all to get along cause I like all of you and I don't want to see people I like not getting along…"

He seemed like he would have kept rambling except Tira arrived then. Which made him close his mouth.

The half elf was not alone. Walking beside her was another half elf. This one was male though. He looked a bit like Tira, and Heron sort of remembered it being mentioned that Tira had a brother who was also friends with Kur so it wasn't hard to surmise that this was the girl's brother.

Like his sister he wore the same pendant that declared him as one of the ranger's in the Queen's employ. He also had the same sharpish features. His air was a bit less confident than his sister's but he still had a competent air about him. He seemed quiet though as he and Tira came to a stop in front of them.

Kur coughed, and said, "This is Tira's older brother, Lowks. Lowks this is my new friends Prince Heron and Elswyth."

Lowks smiled, "Its good to know that this little hermit here has made same new friends."

Kur mumbled something, but did not deny the comment. Heron was not sure how to answer that statement that had obviously been meant to tease his fellow wizard.

But he did surmise from that that the two were close. Then again, perhaps Lowks was just a teaser. And Kur, even though Heron had not teased him, was someone who was very much teasable.