They Aren't Together Today

Heron had been startled to see Kion in the library but he greeted the young knight who grinned at him happily and moved over to talk to him almost immediately.

After a while of listening to the incessant and mostly meaningless chatter from the knight, Heron interrupted. "You know it's quite odd to see you without your brother."

It was. Usually, they were together unless duty called one of them elsewhere. But Heron was pretty sure both brothers were free at the moment. Though there was a chance he was wrong. He had barely glanced at the schedules for what knights were doing what at what time. There was too much on his plate to do more than a cursory glance at things like that.

Kion shrugged, "He's talking with Luth somewhere I think. There's a lot of things he needs to leave in Luth's care as we won't be here."

Kion's tone was dismissive and rather disinterested.

"And they didn't need you for that?" Heron wondered if Kion felt left out by his brother not having him join in this discussion with Luth.

"I didn't want to participate in a boring discussion on club activities." Kion resolutely did not look at Heron. He wasn't quite being honest from the looks of it.

Heron though tactfully just nodded. He would not call Kion out on it. He was aware that he was not yet close enough to the brothers to butt in on something like this. It was between them.

So Heron changed the subject. "Do you like reading?"

"Occasionally." Kion smiled. "If I'm in the mood. I've heard you really like reading though, Your Highness."

"I do. Though, admittedly, I haven't been able to like I used to." Heron sighed. He was so busy he really didn't have the time to sit down and read for the fun of it. It made him slightly snappish. He felt bad about it but Elswyth had borne the brunt of his dissatisfaction with the lack of reading time. He was impressed though how well she had borne that. She was so patient with him that it actually made him feel even more ashamed than he would have if she had reacted to it.

But today he had a few minutes reprieve so he thought he'd take the time to read for a bit.

"It's good to make time for something you enjoy doing." Kion remarked. "Otherwise things will get a bit too much of a drag and your functionality would go down."

Heron merely nodded. And sat down, having found a book to peruse.

Neither he nor Kion continued talking. They both sat quietly reading. Though Heron did notice that Kion seemed to not exactly be the most still reader. He was constantly shifting, or bouncing his legs. It almost seemed as if he wasn't fully invested in what he was reading.

Or maybe he just had trouble staying still. Heron did not know the young knight well enough to judge fully which it may be.

Heron read for about an hour, before leaving the library. He couldn't, sadly enough, stay reading all day. But he did take the book he had been reading with him.

As he headed for his father's study, he heard two familiar voices. Aklane and Luth. They had just been exiting a room but they were talking together softly.

But Heron could make out what was said. Even though he couldn't see them. For some reason he paused, not wanting to intrude.

"Really. I mean it Aklane. Do be careful when you go. I – we all wouldn't know what to do without you. You're like the backbone of the K. F. C. P. A. You and Kion both."

"I'll make sure to come back in one piece. And I'll keep my brother safe as well." Aklane laughed softly, "You don't need to worry about us."

"I can't help it. It's Nix'Ryl. That place has a reputation." For a moment Luth fell silent and then said a bit tersely, "Oh here, take it."

There was silence and then Aklane said in a stunned voice, "Are you sure? I mean-"

"Just take it and know that I'll be praying for your safe return."

"I…uh, thanks? That is, I'll treasure it."

Heron had to wonder what Luth had given to Aklane to make the knight sound so bewildered. And yet at the same time, kinda happy. Not that he would ever ask.

They had moved away, so Heron continued on his way to the study and got back to work.