Its Okay To Keep it Simple

It had been a couple of weeks since Hazel had come home. Elswyth had really been getting along pretty well with the younger girl who would someday – hopefully soon – be her sister-in-law. She found Hazel to be a bit naïve, but really cheerful and likeable. She wasn't pretentious which did a lot for making Elswyth like her. Elswyth hated pretentious people – that was actually what she had against nobles really. They just tended to be so full of themselves. When they really weren't any better than anyone else…

Elswyth was glad for the girl that her father had readily agreed to let her marry the man she loved – as soon as they were both of age. Though it did make her wonder when Heron and her would finally get officially engaged.

She hadn't brought it up to him – not even teasingly, as he was incredibly busy again. She wasn't exactly sure with what, but every time she saw him he looked harried. She worried about him. He would always give her a smile and he did take time to talk to her, and the way he looked at her set her at ease that he still was quite in love with her.

She didn't blame him. Being king had to be a tough job – especially since he was responsible enough to want to do a good job at it. Honestly, this want to do the right thing was one of the reasons she loved him, so it would be unfair to complain. Not that she didn't wish for more time with him. Or to sometimes be able to monopolize his attention.

But she coped with it by whenever she started feeling mopey going out and practicing with either her bow or her sword. Moving physically or routinely shooting always helped her drone out her thoughts when she needed to.

She had just finished doing so once again, and after taking a bath, was heading for her room. As she was walking down the hall though she ran into Heron who beamed when he saw her. She hadn't seen him all day so she was happy herself to see him.

Ruffling his hair she leaned forward. "You doing all right? You look tired."

"Yeah. I'm fine. I little tired but things are winding down again. It's a cycle." He chuckled and took her hand. "Walk with me, El?"

She couldn't help the answering grin as she squeezed his hand. "Sure."

He led her outside again, wandering down to the nicest part of the garden – which even she had to admit wasn't too terrible of a plot of nurtured nature. Wasn't the greatest, but at least it was well kept and rather tastefully arranged.

She sat at the fountain, and patted the cool stone next to her, wanting him to sit beside of her. He did so and leaning close to her kissed her cheek. With a laugh she turned her head and caught his mouth against hers.

He ducked his head, gave a soft laugh and then looked back into her face. "I love you El." He grinned as he said it. He lifted her hand and kissed it.

"I know." She smirked in answer, glancing away. She was glad though when he said it. It didn't matter that she was full aware of his feelings – it was just nice to hear him say it aloud.

He also glanced away. "Uh, so, I was talking with my father…" He rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb. "And…well, he gave my blessing to take you as wife. If you'll have me."

"Is that a proposal?"

"Yes." He didn't look at her, his ears were reddening though. "I thought about trying to do something more special…but then thought simple might be good too…I did get you a ring though. Since that's a Jarenkul custom for engagement. I couldn't get my hands on any white bride flowers though…"

Elswyth beamed and leaned in to kiss him again. "Well, I accept your proposal. When should we get married?"

"I think about four months after Kur's wedding would be good." Heron said. "Not too long, but long enough to prepare. Also it would be in the spring..."

Elswyth nodded. "Good enough for me." She tapped her head against his shoulder as she wrapped her arm about his own.

They stayed out there for a while talking idly together of the future. Of the years they hoped to spend together.