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As fun as it was to spend time with Kur and his new wife, the days passed quickly and soon it was time for Heron and Elswyth to go back to Amriel. Heron and Kur though made plans for Kur to come down when Heron's wedding came and to stay longer than Heron could reasonably stay in Jarenkul.

The journey back was uneventful, save for Elswyth's open flirting. Heron was getting used to the way she had of starting to tease him and then turning the tease into a flirt. Sometimes though the things she would say was quite shocking to him, though he chocked it up to a difference in culture. Amriel tended to be very reserved about love and marriage. It just wasn't talked about all that much. However, people from Jarenkul tended to be a lot more expressive in how they felt. With some exceptions due to personality, like Kur. Elves though as a race in general tended to be a bit more quiet on their feelings due to their long lifespans and a general lack of impatience. In no way did that mean that elves did not love – they did, quite deeply in fact.

Heron was thinking about this, as he lay with his head on Elswyth's lap. She had made him do so and seemed rather pleased with herself right now as she stroked his hair. Her lips were curved into a smile as she looked down at him, almost smugly.

She suddenly paused, frowning. Heron wondering at the sudden shift in her facial features asked, "Something wrong El?"

"Kimp is wrapped around your neck again." She said, worry etched into her brow.

"He won't hurt me." Heron assured her, but still removed the happy little snake away from his throat. He understood that even though Elswyth understood that his familiar would never strangle him, she still couldn't help but get a little freaked out when it was around his neck.

Kimp slid around his wrist and flicked its tongue out at the ranger. She sighed and rubbed the snake's head with her finger. He squeaked and then shot out to wrap around her wrist instead.

"What a fashionable bracelet." Heron joked. Elswyth flicked his forehead in answer.

Heron grasped her hand and kissed the back of it affectionately. He saw the flicker of a pleased smile on his lady's lips and chuckled. He sat up and pulled her against him in a hug, dropping a kiss on the top of her head. "I love you."

"That was out of nowhere." She hummed, and looked away, but her lips now definitely were curving up.

"Sudden statements of love are often the most sincere as they weren't premeditated."

"Oh? Is that a fact?"

"Feels like one anyway." He shrugged and turned her head towards his so he could kiss her.

She laughed as she drew away, with a soft brush of her hand against his face. "I think well meditated confessions can be just as sincere though. But a mixture of both is probably a good thing." She tapped his nose.

Heron rubbed his neck as he suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Seeing his embarrassment made his fiancée chuckle as she leaned on his shoulder. "How ever will you handle actually being married to me?"

"I'll certainly have to get used to it." He admitted.

"Not too quickly, I hope? I've been so looking forward to teasing you."

"El…" Heron sighed, unsure how to respond to that.

She laughed and kissed his cheek. "Don't worry about it too much. I won't tease you beyond what you can bear."

He decided not to answer her and instead pulled out the book he had brought with him, ignoring her as he opened it up. As she laughed, he leaned against her, so that his head was resting on her. He mumbled, "Seriously though, I really do love you, El."

Her fingers threaded through his hair. "I love you too, my book-loving wizard."

When they arrived back home, Hazel ran out to meet them. She flung her arms about Heron's neck, already chattering about everything that had happened while he had been gone – it was mostly about Asrar.

He smiled as he ruffled his younger sister's hair up, and went into the castle, his sister holding his left arm as Elswyth took hold of his right hand in hers. "So how was the wedding, Heron?"

"It was very touching. Both of them seemed rather happy." Heron said cheerfully. "I figured they would be – they suit each other I think."

"I'll have to take your word for it."

"They'll come here when El and I are being wedded."

"So, I'll get to meet some of your friends then? Can't wait!"

It was nice to be home, but things got rather busy soon after. Winter preparations needed to be made. And so Heron once again found himself rather caught up in the affairs of the kingdom, making sure everything was running smoothly. There were only a few hiccups, and by the time it started frosting over everyone seemed ready for the cold barren months of winter.