Chapter 21

Hayabusa and Hanabi parted ways when the sun had set. The scarlet ninja went back to her rented room and found a letter laid on top of her pillow. She immediately read it and her heart pounded faster and louder as she read the last sentence.

"Welcome to the V.E.N.O.M Squad," she muttered to herself. At the bottom right of the letter, Natalia's name was clearly written. Hanabi does not know how to react, she does not know if she'd be happy to be finally recognized or be suspicious as to why she had been chosen.

With the candle's fire flickering, Hanabi walked towards it and burned the letter to ash.

That night, Hanabi could barely sleep for she could not stop thinking about the letter. A lot of questions are swirlinflg inside her mind, keeping her awake. Being hopeless in being drawn to slumber, Hanabi got up, grabbed her cloak and went out.

She headed to the infirmary where they had brought Hanzo and sneaks in stealthily through the window. She walked past a lot of doors before finally reaching Hanzo's ward room. She peeked by the small glass window on the door to make sure no one was inside before entering.

Hanabi slowly shut the door behind her and tiptoed towards the bed where Hanzo is lying unconsciously. His wounded chest was covered with bandage but still, the bluish marks are still visible around his neck and arms. She stared at his sleeping face for quite a long time as if memorizing every feature of him.

The scarlet ninja took off her black cloak and let it fall to the floor. She got to the bed and laid beside him as she intertwines her hand on his. She nuzzled her face on Hanzo's neck and closed her eyes, feeling his faint warmth and heartbeat.

With both eyes closed, she whispered, "I'm sorry."

They stayed like that for a longer time before Hanabi started talking as if Hanzo was listening to her.

"She said I'd become a member of the VENOM squad. I want answers to the questions I keep on thinking so I'll meet her just like what she said. I know it'll become more of a betrayal to you and the team but I want to go. I want to see the world beyond our village, beyond Iga."

She tightened her grip on his hands and hardened her expression just by thinking that she might not be able to see him and hold his hand like this in the future. She sat down and looked at Hanzo again before slowly closing the gap between them, brushing her lips on his. She, then, relaxes and felt her eyelids become heavy. She cuddled him and finally, she has fallen into slumber.

"What are you thinking, Haya?!" Kagura bursts out in anger upon hearing his plan in using Hanabi as bait to capture Natalia.

"This way is faster. Now that Hanzo is not in a good condition, it's up to us to make an alternative plan. We couldn't just sit around and wait for him to recover," Hayabusa said.

"I also know that but your plan is too risky. I have sensed that Natalia when we met her on the outskirts of town. She is no ordinary assassin, she's a skilled woman. Yes, we know she is the one who did the massacre, do you think she'd let you inside her circle by using Hanabi? That scarlet ninja is the one she needs, she'd be suspicious if you came out of nowhere and willingly help her get Hanabi," Kagura protested further.

"How are we supposed to know the result if we don't try?" Hayabusa snarled. "Hanabi is a part of the team. If I could convince her in tricking Natalia, she'd get the chief's trust back."

"Do you think Hanabi actually cares about that? She left the village on her own free will despite gaining the chief's anger. And when she came here, she is no longer part of the team," Kagura stated with gritted teeth and clenched fists.

"Why are you being like this, Kagura?" Hayabusa finally asked.

"I should be the one asking you that!" Kagura exclaimed. "Why the hell are you trying to get Hanabi back?!"

"I am not getting her back. I am using her to lure Natalia," Hayabusa replied as calm as he could.

"Stop feigning it, Haya!" she shouted. "I could clearly see in your eyes that you want her! You are a ninja, Haya. Mission first before anything else."

"And so what if I want her back?" the ninja asked as he gazed at the onmyouji coldly.

Kagura flinched for she had never seen Hayabusa like that before. She shuddered as a chill ran down her spine. But despite that, she still managed to speak her mind.

"She'll only bring trouble," she said in almost of a whisper.

"And I'll gladly face that trouble," Hayabusa replied before deciding to back into his room.

Before he could open the door, Kagura spoke, making him stop on his track.

"Why?" she asked in low tone of voice.

"Why do you still like her despite the fact that you know she has her affection towards Hanzo?" she questioned.

There was a long pause before Hayabusa replied, "It's something I chose to do."

"I like you, Haya!" Kagura confessed. "I liked you before and it did not change until this very moment. So please stop! Don't risk your life for Hanabi!"

Hayabusa did not reply. He simply entered his room and left Kagura alone at the living room.

With her tears falling down her cheeks, Kagura looked at Hayabusa's room and asked in a whisper, "Why can't you like me back?"

Back at the infirmary, Hanabi was having a good sleep until she felt Hanzo's fingers moved, as if tightening his grip on her hand. She immediately sat up and looked at him.

"Hanzo, are you awake?" she asked in a low tone. The akuma ninja did not respond. She sighed in relief as she wrapped both of her hands on his hand. "Please, get well soon."

Hanabi looked out the window and saw that it was already dawn. It is already time to meet Natalia. She got off the bed and wore her cloak once more. Before leaving, she kissed Hanzo on the lips once more before taking her exit on the window.

The scarlet ninja rushed to the woods and headed to the place where she met Natalia. She started to feel uneasy but she set it aside and ran faster.

But when she arrived, it wasn't Natalia who was waiting for her. She drew out her kunais and stanced on a fighting position.

"Who are you?" she asked as she stares at the bluish eyes of the aged man wearing a black tuxedo.

The man did not reply immediately. He observed her as if measuring if she is capable to meet his expectations.

Then, he said, "Unfortunately, Natalia could not make it today so I came in her stead. Tell me, young ninja, would you be willing to get a makeover to join the squad?"

Hanabi relaxed for a bit for this man seem to know what Natalia wants from her.

"I did not come here to discuss matters with you. Unless you are Natalia, I won't be willing to entertain any of your questions," she replied.

"I am Nero Ton and whether you like it or not, you'd be having some makeover," Mr. Ton said as he nods his head, giving signal to Alpha. He emerged from his hiding place and before Hanabi could fight back, she was hit right at the back of her neck. Her vision immediately turned blurry, making her stagger.

"Bring her to Lab 1718 and tell Dr. Baker to take good care of her," Mr. Ton commanded.

"Yes, master," Alpha replied with his mechanical voice as he carries Hanabi on his shoulder without any problem.

Mr. Ton smirked and muttered to himself, "Three more and it'll be complete."