Chu Ye let Lin Kun's body fall to the ground, not at all caring if he hurt the sack of old bones, though the act did seem to displease Ruoxi, as even through her freshly wept eyes she glared at him. This only caused him to shrug though, as he nonchalantly replied,
"He's still alive right?"
After which he proceeded to lay on the couch once again, not at all bothered by the panicking figure of Ruoxi and Wang Ma, who had by now come out of her fear-ridden stupor and hastily kneeled beside the beaten up Lin Kun.
Lin Ruoxi couldn't argue with him, not right now, her focus should be on her father. She turned her head towards his figure, brimming with vigor and anger a moment ago, now laying "peacefully" on the cold tiled floor, she would've thought he was dead, if not for the faint rising and falling of his chest. She gazed at his neck, where a glaring red mark could be seen, seeing his "scar", she felt a bit complicated, she should be angry at Chu Ye, she should hate him, because even though Lin Kun was crude and insensitive, he was still her father, a father he planned to kill not too long ago, but she couldn't bring herself to hate him, only herself... this was her fault, she thought.
She wasn't that delusional to think that Chu Ye fell in love with her, after all, they barely knew each other. But as her "husband" he had to defend her honor, no? Wasn't that the reason for the red mark on her father's neck? Wasn't that the reason he was lying unconscious now? Barely scraping in breaths?
'Fuck! Don't think too much,' She thought. 'He just has a big ego.'
Again looking at the face of her father on the ground, she had the faintest urge to slap him awake, payback for the rude words from earlier. Well, that would get her a stern reprimand from Wang Ma, "Elders, no matter how snobbish, are to be respected." after all, she was sure Chu Ye would just give her a thumbs up though. Back to the point, Lin Ruoxi gently shook her father, afraid to do more damage than was already done,
"Father, wake up." She said.
"Young Miss, that won't work," Wang Ma suddenly chimed in, "Here let me try."
She gently put two fingers over her "Masters" nose, and then,
Proceeded to deprive the poor man of oxygen again. Lin Ruoxi looked weirdly at Wang Ma, she hadn't expected her to be so extreme. Of course, you can't blame Wang Ma, Lin Kun had just debased her Little Miss right in front of her, this was but a small revenge.
'All for the greater good.' Wang Ma chanted in her mind.
Though crude, her plan seemed to work, as a few seconds later,
"Cough, cough, wha- where am I?" Lin Kun sat up, breathing in hard, as he looked at the pair of women sitting beside him, who had by now gotten "proper", any error they had done erased from their being.
"Father, are... are you ok?" Lin Ruoxi asked, reaching out to touch his neck.
"Don't touch me sl-" He flinched, though, bad memories seemed to pop into his mind before he could finish his sentence, he glanced at Chu Ye, who wasn't paying him any attention, and sighed in relief.
Lin Ruoxi though, felt her heart break with the way her father wanted to address her, any semblance of pity seemed to leave her, as her face grew cold,
"I think you've overstayed your welcome." She said with ice.
Lin Kun was far too embarrassed anyway, as he thought back to what happened, he, taking the advice, swiftly got up on his feet and went to the door, glancing once more at Chu Ye before he went out, he grit his teeth and left, slamming the door in his wake.
With Lin Kun gone, Wang Ma couldn't help but sigh, she looked at her Young Miss who looked fine, but she could tell that she was hurting, though glancing at Chu Ye, she smiled reassuringly before speaking,
"I'll be going to my room now Miss, Young Master, goodnight."
"Night Wang Ma." Chu Ye answered normally.
"... Night." Ruoxi said, with a strained voice.
As soon as Wang Ma left though she powerlessly slumped down, she expected cold ground, but only felt a warm embrace, her waist was held tight, not too tight to make it uncomfortable, no, just right. She wanted to struggle, just because she was a bit vulnerable, doesn't mean that she would let this... gentle bastard touch her.
"L-let go" She said weakly, with a sob in her voice. His warm chest wasn't going to make her feel better, his steady heartbeat wasn't going to be the symphony to finding inner peace, and the gentle strokes on her back, they weren't making her feel better at all... no.
'Then why?' She thought, 'Why am I clutching onto him like I'm drowning? Why does he make me feel so safe? Why is the only person who seems to care for me only temporary?'
Finally finding struggling futile, she stopped, trying hard not to cry.
"It's ok you know." He said softly.
"I'm your husband, it's fine to let go in front of me."
"... You're a fake." She whispered, "I don't need your pity."
Her words stung a little, but Chu Ye still answered.
"Then let's pretend, okay?"
"Pretend that I care, pretend that I'll always protect you, pretend that I'm proud of you, for all the things you've achieved and pretend... that I love you."
And that seemed to be the last straw, as Ruoxi's tears streamed down her face, harder than they ever had before, no, harder than she had ever allowed them to. Because she was supposed to be strong, strong for her late grandmother, strong for Wang Ma, strong for her employees and strong for herself. She was to be cold, ruthless in her business tactics, strict with the workforce... but it was all so hard, she was so tired, God, was she tired.
'So let me rest, indulge... pretend, just this once, that's it's all worth it.'
And with her hands clutching his shirt, wet with her tears, she fell asleep...