Elven Perfume

After hearing Abel's call, the waiter walked through the bunch of adventurers. He was very afraid, of course. It was obvious that his voice was shaking when he spoke.

"Yeee..yes sir…. We do. We do have a lo-ot of rum here…"

"Give me ten barrels," Abel threw a big bag of gold coins on the table, "Make sure they are sealed well. Hey, is this enough as a payment?" 

"That's too much, sir!" the waiter said loudly, as he stared at the heavy bag.

Abel shooed the waiter away, "Just hurry up! The rest is your tip."

All the adventurers in the inn were still looking. From their perspective, whoever this masked man was, he was either a fool or someone who was confident enough to take on all of them. They weren't sure which one was he, so nobody dared to make a move yet.