Promoting to Be a Knight's Commander

Abel's knight gun fired again, and an 'ice bomb' was aroused again, hitting the dwarf commander's back. The dwarf commander could not move anymore.

At this time, Abel just jumped out of Black Wind and came to the dwarf commander. He knew that with the commander's powerful vitality, the attack could only make the dwarf commander lose his combat power and motivation, but it couldn't kill him. Abel didn't even think to kill him now.

Abel's knight level had always been improved by absorbing the combat qi from other knights. Now that he had a legitimate opportunity in front of him, how could he give up?

This time Abel grasped the neck of the dwarf commander very experienced, his golden combat qi surging, and the combat qi of the dwarf commander flowed towards Abel's palm without his control. He understood what was happening, but when he felt his combat qi entered into Abel's body, he had completely lost contact, like been cut off.