Orc Battle Drum

"Dong dong! Dong Dong!" crisp sounds of drums emerged in the dark battlefield. 

"It's the orc battle drum. Are they really insane? Using battle drums on us?'' An ugly look emerged from Head commander Edi's face.

Abel knew the orc battle drum must be a very powerful fighting object just from the look on head commander Edi's face, but he was not familiar with the orc empire, so he turned to k3305 and asked, "What is an orc battle drum?"

"Orc battle drums are made by the skeleton of powerful orc priests. Since the body of orc priests are condensed with death qi, those battle drums, as well as the magic patterns on them, can perfectly suppress their enemies' power while strengthening themselves!" K3305 explained softly. His face had also changed.

Abel could basically guess what a battle drum was. It was a type of cursed object. As the orcs banged upon it, their enemies' power would be suppressed, and their own power would increase.