Two Status

Abel brought the statue back to the Golden castle's secret chamber and put it next to the angel statue.

It was the only room in this world with the statue of two different gods. After all, faith often did not go well together, so every god wanted their own space even if they belonged to a single group.

Abel transferred a monogram to the Barbarians through an oracle of the ancient totem. It was a blurry monogram, but it was filled with holiness. Therefore, all the Barbarians needed was to pray towards it, and faith would be transferred to the Barbarian statue.

The angel body's statue of Abel, on the other hand, always ran the risk of being discovered since they were all stolen from the Holy Kingdom. Therefore he could only connect to them through his preachers.

Since Abel had given the Barbarians oracles many times, they became even more faithful than the elves towards the Goddess of Moon.