
In the holy kingdom's central temple, the saint was sitting on his seat with the head of departments standing on each side below him.

The return of Thief God Milton has caused huge chaos once again. This time, he was killing in bright daylight, but they still couldn't catch him due to his invisibility.

He could basically take down a holy knight with a second, and thousands have died in just 10 days.

"My saint, we just got some new information that thief God Milton had something to do with Blue Dragon Abel. Although we didn't know what exactly, we also found out that Doff the god of war's kingdom had a lot of new holy crystals and Thief God Milton should be the one who gave them to him!" Mad knight Momo bowed as he reported.

A cold gaze sparked in the saint's eyes.

As the ambassador of god, he would forever be extremely ashamed about holy crystals being stolen from his temple. The demon from beyond would definitely punish him for it.