Isn't What's Yours Mine Too?

In the end, as he learned from prior experience, Kimura Kazuki hurriedly returned to the lounge backstage before the girls could get a chance to surround him.

Disappointment could be seen in the eyes of the otaku fans when they were halted by the staff members. Some remained near the entrance, as they were steadfast that Kimura Kazuki would make an appearance eventually. It was evident that Kimura Kazuki's stage performance had left a strong impression on the audience, even their favor toward him rose sharply.

Upon entering the lounge, Kimura Kazuki sighed in relief as he handed Matsukawa Chisato his wig. He entered the changing room to change out of the costume. Honestly speaking, while he may not be used to wearing a wig, the kimono was rather comfortable on the skin. Of course, this could very well be due to the fabric's premium quality. Now that I can earn a living, I should really get some better clothes, Kimura Kazuki thought quietly to himself.