I Am Here To Resign!

Furuhashi Natsui turned on the air conditioner in her room and wrapped herself with a blanket. She had two mobile phones, one was used to talk to her sisters, and another one was used to communicate with the members of 'Kimura Kazuki's Fan Club.'

The members of the fan club were in the midst of a discussion. They intended to print some posters with Kimura Kazuki's portrait and paste them in the fan club's classrooms, reckoning that this would create a better atmosphere.

"What's with Kimura! What are you talking about, Akino? You're a self-centered brute that needs to stop addressing me as Gabriel! You are the first one to be caught, yet you have the audacity to make imbecile remarks in the group!" She was infuriated as she read Akino's text.