The Five Kageyama Brothers

Tamago, who was sitting next to Chiba Shiori was also shocked, she knew that Chiba Shiori was a novelist. Chiba Shiori had even asked her strange questions before.

However, because the new book was discussed with Yuriko, Chiba Shiori did not reveal much to her. Only now did Tamago knew that she was writing a new book and at a rate of 10,000 words a day!

This was way too terrifying.

Chiba Shiori also found out that Akino was actually 'Cool Autumn Leaf' on Twitter, who did some advertisement recommending Chiba Shiori. Upon realizing that Akino was here in person, Chiba Shiori quickly thanked her.

Akino's lifted her chin, "It's mainly because your book was too good. I wouldn't have recommended it if it weren't."

Akino recommended the book on Twitter, and the result was undeniably remarkable. After all, she had millions of followers.