Invited To Be A Companion

"Thank you."

Kimura Kazuki faintly expressed his gratitude for their suggestion and continued his journey.

Mei pursed her lips when Kimura Kazuki was no longer in their sight, "What? I told him that Sword Saint Takeda is not around... Why is he still going up?"

"Yeah." It was rare to see Asuka not bickering with her.

"Hehe..." Sei Shigeru smiled gently and said, "As the saying goes, believe what you see, not what you hear. We are just strangers to him, why would he believe the words of strangers? This teenager did just right, and he had thanked you for your reminders. On the other hand, it's not good for both of you to criticize him after he left."

Mei and Asuka exchanged glances and remained silent. Grandfather would give them a lesson if they talked back to him right now. After all, they could never outtalk their grandfather.