There Are Too Many Dark Horses

"Oh yeah, have you set up the spirit-resting website?" 

Before this, Chiba Shiori and Kimura Kazuki have been discussing this offline, and she didn't know whether this website had been set up. After all, she wasn't an all-round genius, she could only give advice on setting up a website instead of providing hands-on assistance. 

"It's done." 

Kimura Kazuki nodded his head. He did follow up on some matters. 

As the spirit-resting website was small, a laptop would be more than enough to serve as a server. He didn't want to make a forum, all he wanted was to gather ordinary people who had met demons. So this type of website could be set up quickly. 

Upon hearing this, Chiba Shiori took out her phone promptly, staring at Kimura Kazuki with an eager face. 

Kimura Kazuki told her the website's address. Chiba Shiori entered the website swiftly. As there was nobody browsing, she did not take long.