A Good Word

When Tetsuto Hirata, the council member of the National Kendo Association of Japan, came forward to award the top three, he glared sternly at Ikioi Ito when his back was facing the audience. 

Being a council member, the things Tetsuto Hirata knew would naturally be more than that of an average person. 

Regarding Kendo, he was aware of the existence of THE Ancient Kendo Community other than competitive Kendo. According to the rules, the Ancient Kendo Community was forbidden from entering competitive Kendo here. But of course, since there were no records of any written laws regarding this, there were no restrictions or enforcement toward this unwritten rule. The people were just merely hidebound by conventions. 

But what is even up with the Sugawara family this year? Spreading news and ordering the young generations from various clans in the Ancient Kendo Community to join in the Jade Dragon Flag.