There Is Something Wrong With This Face!

After hanging up the phone, Kimura Kazuki prepared for a while before heading out.

Although he was wearing men's clothing, along the way, Kimura Kazuki could notice the eyes of the passers-by glancing at him. Obviously, even without Amei Yanagi's passive charm, her face alone was enough to attract a crowd.

After getting on the tram, he noticed that although it was a weekend, there was still a lot of people. Hence, the phenomenon of being stared at became even more rampant. Those who were more civilized would merely sneak a look at him, some would just blatantly stare at him.


As the sound of his picture being taken sounded, Kimura Kazuki looked coldly at a boy standing diagonally opposite him. When he saw Kimura Kazuki looking at him, he even grinned.

Arrogance even after taking sneak shots of him?