They Refuse To Be Scammed

After five minutes, a referee stepped out under the worried gazes of the audience to make an announcement.

"Don't worry, everyone. The player from Sakura Kyu, Furuhashi Harunaka, is alright. She's just feeling exhausted over her entire body after performing such a powerful sword style. Furuhashi Harunaka mentioned that she will go up the stage to receive the award during the award ceremony."

The bustle and noise of the audience gradually died away upon hearing that. They would be rather dubious if the referee merely mentioned that Furuhashi Harunaka was exhausted. However, they felt relieved as Furuhashi Harunaka would be attending the award ceremony later. Since Furuhashi Harunaka was still able to get on stage and receive the award, it meant that there really were no serious injuries on her body.

Letting go of their concerns, many of them started to discuss the sword style that Furuhashi Harunaka used earlier.