Very Happy

The Youbi Sword Drawing Skill was specially designed by Kimura Kazuki for Harunaka. Chiba Shiori could not help but curl her lips into a smile when she heard about this and noticed that Harunaka glanced at her inadvertently.

Harunaka-san is very cute indeed. 

Harunaka obviously had no idea that Kazuki did it for the sole purpose of fulfilling Furuhashi Sakurakyu's wishes, but Chiba Shiori knew it because that was what Kimura Kazuki told her. Back then, she found Kimura Kazuki weird when she first met him at Akichi High School. She only found out about the existence of wraiths and specters in the world when she witnessed with her own eyes how dreadful the demons were. 

If she was frightened at that time, she probably would not have any interaction with Kimura Kazuki. It's only because of my relentless pestering that Kazuki came around to accept me. Certainly, it has got something to do with my intelligence too.