Not Even A Strike

The chaos that erupted during the earlier times of the era of recuperation of reiki was indescribable. It was a massive chaos for human society. The biggest reason for the chaos came from the humans themselves.

What would an ordinary person who was scolded by their leaders do when they suddenly find out that they have superpowers? The answer was obvious. Kimura Kazuki did his research when he first joined the Spiritual Academy. There were a lot of people caught by the Spiritual Academy who had the same kind of mindset like Takeshi Yuta.

Most of them thought that it would not matter if they killed some people when they have the ability to after the recuperation of reiki because they thought that their government would need talents like them. When the time for recruitment comes, they could hold off on that for a while and the government would surely forgive them for that. Worse comes to worst, they could just join other local organisations.