No Solution Was Ever Foolproof

In only a day's time, Mushiya Sakagami and Yuuta Sakagami were killed, one after another. These incidents caused Chief Sakagami to start panicking. Just like the other villagers, he believed that it was the start of the Majin's revenge.

A year ago, they destroyed the Majin's seal but no one saw the Majin. They became furious as they thought that their ancestors had deceived them about the Majin's existence. After calming down, they realized that the Majin may have instantly fled after the seal was destroyed.

After all, they were truly afflicted by the curse. There was no one like them that feared daylight, consumed blood as their daily food, and could only be active at night.

Even a case of genetic mutation would not affect an entire village.

The ceremony to dispel the curse was quickly approaching, but it would only be held tomorrow. Hence, it was of vital importance for Tarou Sakagami to prevent anyone from dying in those two days.